Chapter 33

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Someone starts to shake me and I slowly open my eyes to a bright light. 

"Wake up!" Ethan says shaking me. 

I shoot up and find myself back in my room. 

"Where is he?" I ask quickly. Please don't tell me is was actually another dream. 

I push the sheets and hang my legs off the side. Ethan grabs my shoulders. I look him in his eyes with anger.

"Whoa chill," he says letting go of me slowly. 

I hear the toilet flush in the washroom that is connected to my room. I watch the door as the sink turns on. I hope it's Grayson. 

I watch as the door opens and thankfully Grayson is on the other side. I let out a sigh of relief and lay back onto my bed. 

"What happened last night?" Ethan asks.

"I had a nightmare and went to go find him," I said to Ethan. "Now he is here." 

I sit back up and look at Ethan. 

"I had to cover for you both this morning and make sure you two don't look bad," he says to us. "Some people understand... others are scared." 

"Why would people be scared?" Grayson asks. "I should be scared." 

"Others know about what happened at Section A, the training, the mass..." Ethan pauses. 

I look down at my legs dangling on the side of my bed. The thoughts of the killing start to fill my head but I try to block them out. The screams of the innocent. Gun shots.

"I'm sorry," Ethan says. 

"It's okay bro," Grayson says. "It's just a hard time right now. If only people were to know what we went through... all of us. They are probably just scared of the same thing happening to this Section. Maybe they think Danielle and I would want revenge, or would want everyone to experience it.... I just don't get it."

Grayson was always the understanding one. When my group back at Section A looked down at me he was the one who would understand why I acted the way I did, and now I am noticing this. 

I decide to remain silent because Grayson is better at talking. 

"I need you two to... carry on today and blend in a little. Earn some credit and make friends. More people will trust you." Ethan tells the both of us. 

"I can't," I whisper. After the dream I had I just don't want to interact with anyone. I don't want to mention my dream cause I don't want to explain it." 

"Danielle," Grayson whispers. "I'm right here with you every step of the way." 

"People are happy here Grayson," I whisper knowing that they can both hear me clearly. "I can't like them, not with what has happened. Not even a week has gone by. I can't pretend that I'm okay." 

Tears start to form in my eyes. My hands start to shake. I can hear people screaming from pain in the back of my head which gives me goosebumps. 

Grayson walks over to me and bends down to give me a hug. I'm still sitting on my bed but I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him tightly. I hold back my tears not wanting to cry. 

"I can hear them screaming Grayson," I whisper in his ear. 

"I can hear them sometimes too," he whispers back.

"I'll be outside," Ethan says. "Grayson, if you don't mind, I need to talk to you." 

Grayson lets go of me and I let go of him. He straightens up and turns to Ethan. 

"Of course," he says. 

I watch as both the boys leave my room, leaving me alone with only my thoughts. What could they be talking about? What am I supposed to do now? Live here.. forever?

Where is Dominic? I need to see him again today. I don't want to drag too much attention to myself like I did yesterday. I didn't realize that living here might be long term. 

I need to ask Ethan what time Dominic has lunch so I can spend his break with him. I don't think I should interrupt his conversation with Grayson though. Should I? I could possibly listen to their conversation through the door. 

What would Grayson do? He wouldn't... but I'm not Grayson. 

I get up onto my feet and face the door. As soon as I am about to talk towards it, it bursts open. 

The two walk back in and close the door behind them. 

"Um," I say. "What time does Dominic have lunch?" 

"In two hours," Ethan says. "But we need to talk before you see him." 

"You can't stop me from seeing him," I say. 

"No no no," he whispers. "Trust me, I wouldn't want to keep you away from family, but their has been a request made by Mr.Banks and it will help you two." 

I look at Grayson and he looks like he is okay with it. 

"What is this request?" I ask. 


FrozenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora