Chapter 27

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I walk up to the window and I see him hooked up to heart rate monitor. He has an oxygen mask on and his skin is pale. He is wearing a medical gown and his heart rate is really slow.

I try to open the door but it is locked. It had a badge scanner in front of it.

My heart starts to race because I know I have no plan once I get caught. All I have right now is time. I think of place that could possibly have a badge and nowhere comes in mind.

"DON'T YOU HEAR THE ALARMS?! YOU NEED TO GO BACK!" I look and see Ethan running towards me.

Does he not know it's me? I take my mask off and he runs over and puts it back on.

"Keep it on," he whispers in my ear. "Don't blow your cover so quick."

He takes out his badge and taps the scanner in front of Grayson's room. The red light does not change colour.

It does not work.

"Fuck," Ethan whispers loud enough that I can here over the alarm.

He looks at me and grabs my hand.

"You need to let me do the talking. All you have to do is play along," he says to me over the alarm.

I nod agreeing with his plan.

We run back down the hall hand in hand towards all the people in the next room. We enter the room at the end of the hall and the alarm is not heard on this side of the walls. 

"Keep your mask on and keep quiet," Ethan whispers to me. 

I nod again. 

We walk towards the door on the other side of the room. A woman stops us. 

"Were are you two going?" she asks. She is tall, has brown hair, darker skins, and green eyes.

"I must take her with me," Ethan tells everyone.

"She works in this department though. We were told to stay here is a code red goes off. She is not safe out there and neither are you," the woman says. "You should not even be here right now."

"Mr. Banks told me to take her with me back to his office for further instruction on how to deal with this problem," Ethan says.

"What does this problem have to do with her?" She asks.

"None of your business," Ethan says as we stand in front of her. "Now if you excuse us."

Ethan is still holding my hand. We walk pass this girl and leave this room on the other side.

We enter the hallway and the loud alarm strikes us. The red flashing alarm lights surround us once again. 

"There are people looking for you so try not to make eye contact with anyone okay?!" Ethan says to me over the alarm. 

I shake my head and agree with his plans again. I trust Ethan only for the soul fact that he is Grayson's brother. 

I follow him taking all the turns he is taking down this hall. We pass by men running with weapons in their hands, wearing all black. I can only assume that those are the men looking for me. What would happen if they found me?

"Here we are," Ethan says to me. I lift my head nervously. 

I find myself standing in front of Elizabeth. I step back in shock and in slight fear. She will turn me in.

"Danielle, you don't have to worry. You'll safe-"

"I thought I could trust you!" I say cutting off Ethan. 

"You can trust her! I promise!" he says back over the alarm. He place his hand on my back right to nudge me forward but I do not move. 

Elizabeth gives me a look like she isn't surprised that I don't trust her. She pushes the door behind her open and lays her hand out with a key card. 

"This is your room!" She yells over the alarm. "This is your room! We need to talk inside!"

I grab the key card and walk into the room taking in my surrounds and making note of away way to escape in case something goes down. The two follow me in and I watch as Ethan shuts the door. The alarm is cut off by the door and it is silent in here. 

There is a single bed, a closet, drawer, and a desk. It looks just like my old room back at Section A. 

"You have to keep that key card," Elizabeth says. "The plan that I came up with is that I will tell the search team that you were in here the entire time and that I forgot that I gave you the key card. I left the washroom for a couple of minutes and when I came back you were gone. I just don't know how I am going to explain the vents." 

"Or the missing scrubs," Ethan says pointing at what I am wearing. 

"Actually, take those off," Elizabeth says. 

I take the scrubs and mask off and hand it over to her. I am back in my regular clothing which I was wearing underneath those scrubs. 

"Do you have any questions or ideas on how to cover the vent situation?" Elizabeth asks. 

I walk over to my bed and lay down in it. I cross my right leg over the left and place me hands behind my head. 

"This isn't a time to relax Ms.," Elizabeth says. "We have to be serious which might be a lot to ask from you but you can try right?" 

I know she is being extremely petty and sarcastic right now but I don't blame her. I am a lot to handle but that's not my fault now is it? 

"Danielle please," Ethan says. 

I look up at Ethan and I can see Grayson through him. I hurts me to know that I am making Grayson's brother stressed like I did to Grayson. 

"Okay," I say sitting up and burying my face in my hands. "The vents is something I can just take the hit for. I can say that I am stupid and just wanted to test it out." 

"What about the vent in the room that you came out from? Did you put it back?" Ethan asks. 

I think about it for a second. 

"Oh shit," I say back. 

Suddenly a knock is made at the door. We all turn our heads and give attention to the door. 

Who could it be? What is going to happen now? 

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