Chapter 38

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My hearts starts to thump out of my chest. I remain silent waiting for him to explain. My throat starts to hurt from holding back all my emotions. 

"The day Grayson was shot with the other two men I convinced Sonia that all three men were dead," Nicholas says. "I also convinced that I ended up killing you... Danielle." 

I look off to the side cause I cannot bare to face my brother. 

"I sent her a video of the shooting. I then told her that after we restrained Danielle, we poisoned her which proceeded her to her death," Nicholas continues.  

I look back at my brother hiding my anger and sadness. I am scared of what is happening outside this Section with Sonia dead. 

"I have realized the mistake I have made. She can find out that you two are alive. With everyone in this Section knowing you two and your history in Section A, the word can quickly spread. Some of my people could easily betray me and find a way to tell Sonia." 

"You did this," Grayson whispers. 

I look at Grayson. He is giving Nicholas a dead stare. 

"You had the chance to kill her and you didn't," he says. "Instead, you decided to be her bitch and pretended to KILL YOUR OWN SISTER!"

"Grayson," Ethan says. 

"Don't Ethan," Grayson says back. "You know I'm right." 

He looks back at Nicholas. 

"I know Sonia was here. When Danielle and I were in the woods with Zach and Francis, who died by the way, Ethan was on the walky talky and he sounded threatened," Grayson says. 

I forgot that even happened. I taught myself to erase that whole day from my memory which could've caused my downfall. 

I look over at Ethan who puts his head down. 

"She was here wasn't she?" Grayson asks. 

Nicholas does not answer back. 

"So you wanted to lie again. You didn't send her shit. She was here to watch it all go down. She saw that I was shot," Grayson says. 

"I-I had no choice," Nicholas says. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAD NO CHOICE?!" Grayson yells getting out of his seat. 

He slams his hands on Nicholas' desk. I can tell Grayson is crying through his voice. 

I watch as Grayson leans towards Nicholas over his desk. 

"You could have killed her but instead, you put your own sister in danger," Grayson whispers loudly to Nicholas. "All for what? Huh? A little power?" 

"If I killed her, I would have killed my son's mother," Nicholas says.

My heart drops. I watch as Grayson slowly steps back and sinks into his chair. I look back and Nicholas and remember...

"You liar! Her name was Rose," I say. 

"Sonia Rose Popov," Nicholas says. "She hated her first name so she always went with her middle name."

"She looks nothing like Dominic," I say. 

"It's because he looks more like me," he replies. "I guess I just carried more dominant traits. We have darker skin which is why he isn't as light as Sonia. He also -"

"Shut up!" I say cutting him off. 

I look at him with clear anger. My vision starts to fog up but I refuse to let a single tear drop. 

"This is the reason why she favored the younger groups over the older groups," Nicholas says. 

"I guess you favored her over me," I say. 

"I once loved her Danielle." 

"And I always loved you Nicholas! I took care of your child when you weren't home. Where was Sonia when you were working late so you could support Nicholas? Where was she when Mother and I were watching over Dom?" 

He continues to look at me as if he is hiding something. 


"I saw her almost everyday ever since Dominic was born," he says. "She had to leave so she could keep a secret. Her father worked for H.O.P.E way before the freeze took place. I never worked for the grocery store down Elmers street, I was working for H.O.P.E." 

Now I feel like throwing up. I grab Grayson's arm tighten my grip. He lets me. 

"You always lied to me," I say. 

"I was protecting you," he says. 

"You have to be fucking kidding me! Protecting me?! You let the woman who wants me dead run a Section and she still has the opportunity to kill me."

"Why tell her all of this?" Grayson says cutting me off. "Why would you confess all of this to Danielle right now in front of Ethan and I?"

"Because," Nicholas says chocking up. "Because she is coming back to see Dominic and she will find out that you two-"


"It's not your choice Danielle," he says. "You're not his parent." 

"And you are?" I ask. 

I get out of my seat cause I can't sit still any longer. I stand beside my chair and look at Nicholas. 

"What do you want from me now?" I ask. 

"I think you know," he says. 

"You're sending Grayson and I out there to survive on our own?" I ask. "You're dumb enough to believe that people won't talk about us being here?" 

"They will," Nicholas says. "That's why you need to take Dominic with you." 

"What?" I ask softly. What he is saying cannot be right. 

"Sonia will take him if he stays here," he says. "She will come here, find out you two are alive, kill me and take Dominic." 

"You're okay with dying?" I ask. 

"I will fight," he says. "I am sure she will bring her army." 

"Others will get hurt," I say. 

"If she wins against my team and I, she will turn this Section into another training Section. She will do anything to create a larger army." 

"All of a sudden you have the guts to fight her," I say. 

"It is only because now I have to," he says. 

I want to call him all the horrible names in the world but I hold back. He is going to die and I know it. 

"Elizabeth is waiting outside in a van filled with supplies that will last you enough for a couple of months. She will drive you to some houses far from here. There will be more supplies there to last you for a while. Once-"

"Stop," I say. "I've heard enough. How much time do we have till Sonia gets here?" 

"24 hours," he says. 

"Then let's not waste time," I say. 

I look at the twins who get the hint. Ethan walks towards the door first, then Grayson who is still in tears. I follow behind. 

I turn back to look at my brother one last time. 

"I'll take care of Dominic," I say. 

"I know you will," he says back. 

I nod my head and leave his office. 

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