Chapter 22

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After a few hours of darkness someone enters this room with me. I wasn't able to sleep because of everything that just happened. The person turned on the lights and walks over to me. 

"Sorry for the restrains," she says as she unstraps me. "As I do this I was told to remind you that their are cameras watching you so don't try anything funny." 

She is wearing all black. A black pencil skirt and a silk black top. Her brown hair is put up into a nice clean bun. She must be treated well around here. 

Everything in me wants to attack this lady as soon as I am free but now that I am in the hands of H.O.P.E I need to be cautious. They also had no mercy shooting three men a few minutes ago. 

"Where's Grayson?" I ask her.

"I was told not to give you any information," she says back calmly. 

"Why won't you look me in the eyes?"  I ask her. She doesn't answer. 

"What's your name?" I ask trying to get to her emotional side. 

"Elizabeth," she says. 

"Do you work for H.O.P.E?" 

"Yes I do," she says unstrapping the last strap on my ankle. "You must follow me now. I was instructed to bring you to him." 

"Who is 'him'?" 

"The boss around here." 

I follow her out of the room and into the hallway. Every time we pass by on of the H.O.P.E members that work here I get weird looks. It's like they all know me here. 

"Is it true the some children from my Section was brought here?" I ask. 

"Like I said before, I can't tell you any information." 

"I am asking for my nephew," I say. 

"It was brought to my attention that you would ask about him," she says. 

"Telling me things that I want to know now might just spare some time," I say smiling. 

"Honey, nothing said here on out will spare anything for you. You don't know what is ready for you up head." 

"Well I know I did nothing wrong. You're the one working for the bad guys killing so many innocent kids. I lost a good friend back there and -"

"I don't want to hear your life story," she says. She stops walking and turns to me. "A lot of horrible things have been done and you should be happy that they chose to keep you alive." 

She turns forward and continues to walk. I continue to follow. 

"I don't know if being alive is much of a luxury as it use to be. The only thing keeping me alive is the fight to get the answers that I want. The answers you seem to scared to tell me." 

"It is not my business to tell you." 

"So what is your business then? Watching people suffer or-"

"My business is not your business. As long as we stay away from each other's privacy then we will be alright."

"I don't think there is such thing as alright anymore my friend," I say letting out a little laugh. "It only goes downhill from here. Well, only for us lucky few right, because some people could not even make it this far. How lucky I am." 

I look into every room we pass and take everything in. I must learn this building before I can do anything. 

We walk up to this huge black door in the end of this hallway. Elizabeth rings the doorbell. 

"Let me guess, the boss of this place is just as extra and annoying as Sonia," I say at the sight of a doorbell. 

"They were right about you," she says. "You do love to speak your mind. I may advise you though, everything you do say can hurt you or save you right now. Be careful because you are about to meet the person that kept you alive for quite some time now." 

"Oh wow! Just great! What should I ever do to thank this person? Hmmm I don't know. Start working for them like you do because you seem much much happier than I do let me tell you that," I say turning back to the door. "Or maybe you are just as miserable as I am but you're just better at holding it all in. I may advise you though, holding it in is much worse then letting it out." 

The door opens by itself which cues me to walk in. 

"It was a pleasure meeting you my new friend. Hopefully you don't die like the rest of them. Toodles," I say waving and putting on a fake smile. 

I walk in and the door closes behind me. I walk in and sit in one of the two chairs in front of this desk. The big black chair isn't facing me but I know someone is sitting in it. I sit here in silence waiting on this person to reveal themselves. 

"I've been waiting for your arrival for a while now," the mystery person says. From their voice I am assuming it is a male. 

"Sure seems like it," I say sarcastically. 

"You are really keen on detail which surprises me how you haven't figured out who I am by now," he says.

"If you weren't still hiding behind that chair of yours I could've known by now," I say rolling my eyes at how dramatic he is making this. "You think too much of me."

"The opposite of most people," he says turning his chair to face me. "A lot of people underestimate you Danielle."

My heart starts to race at the sight of Nicholas sitting in front of me. I let out a gasp. 

"I missed you little sis." 

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