Chapter 32

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I walk down the hall and follow the signs the read: 

"Medical Center"

I haven't noticed these signs before but they are for sure a help. This building is so big, it is easy to get lost in it. 

I take the necessary turns and continue to follow the signs on the wall. There are other signs to direct to other rooms in the building but of course, I focus on my plan. 

I will see Grayson again, dead or alive. 

A couple of minutes have gone by and the halls are starting to look familiar. I was here a couple of hours ago being rushed back to my room by Ethan. I don't know why it was important to find it. It is like they think I am the harmful person in this Section when it clearly isn't. Men were shot down by these people but I am the one they need to be watching.... doesn't make sense. 

I am finally at the medical center. I open the door that leads to the mini room before the hall of sick patients. Since everyone is off duty, all the scrubs are folded nicely on the shelves around me. I pick a set and put it on. I also grab a face mask, head cap, and gloves and put it on as well. Someone might just randomly pop up and I have to be prepared. 

I walk into the hall of patient rooms. I remember exactly where Grayson's room is. I run down the hall passing all the sick patients and passing the room that held two dead bodies. I see the door to his room is open and I start to walk towards it slowing my pace. 

Please be in there. 

I walk up to his room....

..... an he isn't there. 

All that is left in this room is a messy bed, as if he just left. 

I stand still not knowing what to do with myself. I was frozen. 

Instantly, I am pushed to the ground. 

I crash onto the floor and my breath escapes me. I look up and seen a built man in scrubs, a face mask, and a hair cap. I can't see clearly since tears are forming in them. I try to blink so I can see clearly but the man walks towards me. 

I kick him away from me and I jump up. I kick aiming for his head but he ducks. He swings his fist but for every punch he throws, I move side to side dodging each one. I quickly jump onto him knocking him down. He drags me down with him but I get myself on top of him. 

I straddle him in between my legs. I try to wipe my eyes because tears are still forming in them, but he grabs my arms. I let my right arm loose and pull back it back to punch him -

"Danielle?" He whispers. His voice is familiar. 

He drops his arms and I wipe my eyes quickly. I pull his face mask off...

... "Grayson." 

I freeze in shock. I lost hope that he was alive that seeing him here is just...

"Danielle," he says while laughing. His tears start to fill up his eyes. 

I start to laugh cry with relief as well. I rest my head on his shoulder on the ground. He wraps his arms around me.

"I thought you were dead," I whisper beside his ear. 

"You thought I would leave you?" he says letting out a laugh. 

I get off of him and help him up. He gets onto his feet and pull me back into a hug placing his arms around me. I lift my arms around his neck and hold him tight. 

"What are you doing here?" he asks. 

I pull away from him but his arms are still around me. 

"I wanted to see you." 

"You knew I was here?" 

"I came here before but your door was locked and your brother came and took me to my room." 

I don't want to tell him about the alarms and the search for me because I want him to feel safe for a little bit. It's a nice feeling. 

"You met Ethan?" 

"Yeah," I say holding his face. "I missed you Grayson." 

"What time is it?" 

"Passed 4am by now." 

I can't help but to smile having Grayson with me. 

"You tried sleeping didn't you?" 

I look into his eyes and nod. 

"I can tell," he says placing his hands on the sides of my face. He rubs my tears with his thumbs. "You had a nightmare." 

I continue to look him in his eyes. He knows. My smile quickly goes away. 

"I had one too. We were back in Section A. I can assume yours was about Section A as well."

I hug him again and he hugs me back tightly. We stay like this for a while. 

This time he pulls away from me. 

"Sorry for pushing you," Graysons says to me.

"Sorry for tackling you," I say. 

Silence fills the air and for once I can say that I feel safe. I rub my hands in his hair as he keeps his arms tightly wrapped around me. I make eye contact with him and I look at him lips. I look back at his eyes and he looks at mine. 

He leans in and I softly place my lips onto his. 

We both pull away slowly and we place our foreheads together. 

"Thank you," I whisper.

"For what?"

"For protecting me at Section A. You went through a lot of trouble." 

"Well thank you for keeping me entertained. You're one of a kind and definitely  worth saving." 

Grayson is alive. This isn't a hallucination nor is it a dream. 

Grayson is alive.  

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