Chapter 19

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"It was scary," he says. We have been walking for a couple of mins now. 

"What was scary?"

"Everything. This whole situation. Watching the truck go up into flames. I killed those men," he says. I look back at him and he doesn't look me in the eyes. 


"I found your letter and followed your trail. I didn't know that I was being followed. They thought they killed me because I played the same tracker tactic that I am assuming you did," he says. 

"You thought right," I say putting a small smile on my face. 

"I then followed them to you and watched you get carried away. I heard everything you said and everything they said," he says taking a deep breath. "I knew them all and the family and friends that they are all separated from. Joseph was one of the leaders that deserved to live and-"

"We will find his daughter," I say grabbing Grayson's hands. "We will find Evelyn Foster for him and remind her how much he loves her."

He smiles at me and lets go of my hands. He looks at the map. 

"We are almost there. A couple of more miles to go," he says with a little excitement in his voice. 

We continue to walk in this forest. I can hear ruffles around us. I stop Grayson from walking and place my finger on my lip to indicate him to remain quiet. 

I look around trying to find where the noise is coming from. I then see the two men that Grayson set free come out of no walking towards us.

Grayson and I quickly take our guns out as well and point it at them. 

"I told you two not to fucking follow us!" He nearly yells at them. "You messed up now." 

One of the men pulls something out of his back pocket. A walky talky. He throws it at our feet and they both stand still. 

"It's for you," the man on the left says. "Sorry it had to come to this." 

"What did you do?" I ask them with disgust. "You told her you were alive while we gave you the chance to live your own life." 

Grayson kneels down and picks up the walky talky. He stands back up and holds it in his hand. 

"Who is on the other end?" Grayson asks. 

The two of them stay silent. 


The men take a deep breath. "Just ask man," the man on the right says. 

I look at Grayson with curiosity. I can see he is anxious on who it can be. What if it is Sonia telling us that she is on her way or that she is sending more men. 

Grayson presses the button and breaks our eye contact. He brings the walky talky to his face. 


*Grayson?!* A voice says on the other end. The person nearly sounds like they are crying.  

"Who is this?" Grayson asks.

*It's me...* The person says with a pause. 


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