Chapter 37

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"Thank you for getting me out of that," I say to Grayson.

There is no one else in these halls. We turn left and turns me to face him.

He gently places his hand on my cheek and leans in. Our lips meet.

He slowly back away and looks into my eyes.

"What was that for?" I whisper with a smile.

"Danielle, we are stronger together," he says. 

"Is this because Ethan and I haven't told you what has happened here before you woke up?" I ask pulling away. 

"I just feel like this is good information for me to know, so we can be on the same page," he says. 

"Grayson, I'm don't want to disappointing you. I feel like things I have done here are, I don't know if I should regret them or not. I just don't want you to be hurt and I feel like I am putting you in more danger." 

"Danielle please," he says. "I know you might not trust it here but this place isn't like Section A." 

I look down at our shoes. 

"Come let's go to your room," he says. 

I look up at him holding back all my emotions and I nod my head. 

We walk together down the halls back to my room. \


We have been sitting in here for a while now just going through what happened the day Grayson was shot. Nothing made sense. 

When we were in the forest Ethan sounded worried on the walky talky, but Sonia was dead by then.  Why did he sound like he was in danger? Did he know his brother was going to be shot? 

What was the point for killing the two other Section A staff? Why did Sonia only want to kill the older kids in our Section? Why train us to fight? 

It was like Grayson and I have ignored all these aspects cause we both wanted to block out the bad memories. Maybe there is more we should know. 

Ethan walks into the room and Grayson and I both get up. It was like we were ready to attack whoever was on the other side of the door. 

"Chill," Ethan says with his hands up. 

"Thank God," Grayson says sitting back down at the chair beside the desk.  

I sit back down on my bed. 

"Ethan can you take me to Dominic?" I ask. 

"I would, but Mr. Banks wants to speak to you," he says. "Actually, he wants to speak to all three of us." 

I notice the same flower pin that Elizabeth had on Ethan now. He wasn't wearing this before. I look at his pin and then at his eyes. He noticed that I noticed his new pin and he widens his eyes. It was like he was giving me a signal. 

"What does he want now?" Grayson asks. "Danielle just talked to him and she got noth-"

"SHHHHHH," I say to Grayson. "Let's just listen to Ethan and go to Mr. Banks." 

"What?" Grayson says. 

"Come on now," I say getting up from my bed. 

I walk to Ethan casually. I look back at Grayson. 

"Together," I say to him. 

He gets up from his chair and walks towards me. 

We follow behind Ethan to Nicholas' office. 

"What is happening to you?" Grayson whispers. 

"There's a flower pin on his shirt," I whisper back. 

"So?" he says. 

"Elizabeth had the same one," I whisper. "I think it's a camera, or a mic, or something. I don't know if he is in trouble or danger." 

Grayson and I give each other subtle eye contact and continue to follow behind Ethan. 

We arrive at my brother's office and walk in. 

"Take a seat," he says to all three of us. 

There are now three seats instead of the original layout of two. 

Ethan walks in and sits first followed by Grayson and myself. 

"There's something I must tell you three," Nicholas says. "I've lied to all three of you." 

We all remain silent waiting for him to continue. 


Sonia is not dead." 

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