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We watch as a black truck pulls up in front of the store. 

"Hurry! Grab things and blend in!" Grayson shouts running around grabbing items of clothing. 

I grab Dominic's hand and take him with me. We run deeper into this clothing store knowing that time is limited. There are a lot of frozen people in this store making it easier to blend in. I run to the hall of changing rooms and shove Dominic in one. 

"Stay here and do not make a sound," I say to him.

"No! Stay here with me," he pleads. 

I can tell he is scared. He was always in danger but her never knew it. This is his first time being frightened like this before, or that I know of. 

"Alright," I say closing the change room door. "Do not make a sound." 

I choose not the lock the door because the person might start to shoot rapidly which could kill the both of us. 

I can hear people entering the store. I really hope Grayson and Ethan found good hiding spots. If not, they could die right now. This is not the first store in this plaza though so those intruders might not stay for long. It is not like they know we are here. 

"IS THERE ANYONE HERE?!" Someone yells. It was a man's voice. "WE JUST WANT TO HELP!"

I do not buy that for one second. These are definitely  people of H.O.P.E. 

Dominic hugs me and I can feel him shivering of fear. I need to stay calm for the both of us. Instant regret rushes through my body for not having a weapon. 

"The coast is clear," I believe a man says. 

"I'll quickly check the change rooms," a woman says. My heart starts to rush. What am I going to do?

"Okay, we will head over to the next store," the same man says. 

I hear as people run out of the store. I can also hear someone entering the hall of change rooms. Honestly, my only plan is to jump out at her once she opens this door. 

I push Dominic softly off me and step in front of him. The woman is opening all the change room doors at the same speed creating a sort of pattern. I keep this pattern in my head so once she opens our change room door I can jump at her. 

I can hear her getting closer and closer. 

She opens our door and I jump at her, wrapping my legs around her. We fall onto the ground and she drops her gun. I watch as the gun slides away from us. I quickly get up and run for her gun. 

I get a hold of her gun but instantly, I feel her hand grip around my ankle. She pulls me back down but I turn in time to hit her in the head with the gun. I turn her around and put her in a headlock. I point the gun on the right side of her head. 

"Don't make me shoot," I say. 

Ethan runs in and sees us lying on the ground. I see shock on his face, an expected emotion. 

"Ethan?" the girls says looking up at him. My heart drops. How does she know him? 

Grayson runs into the hallway and he shows the same expression on his face as his brother. 

"Gray?" the girl says next. 

"How do you know them?" I ask still pointing the gun to her head. 

"Danielle wait," Ethan says. 

"Danielle..." Grayson says. "We know her because she's....... (con't) 

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