Chapter 29

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Ethan and Elizabeth slowly get out from their hiding spots. They look at me with weary eyes and confused in their faces. 

"Mr. Banks has a child?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah, you didn't know that?" I say back.

"How do you know that?" Elizabeth asks.

"Nicholas Banks..... Danielle Banks....," I say to both of them.

"No way," Ethan says in nearly a whisper. "You guys are siblings."

"Wow he keeps a lot of secrets," I say walking back to my bed.

Elizabeth keeps her eyes on me as I sit on my bed. Ethan is walking slowly around my room with dazed eyes.

"What now?" I say.

"Well, you just fixed our vent situation. I pretty sure that since you two are siblings he will just lift the case and -"

"It all makes sense now," Ethan says. "Everything is making sense."

"What is making sense?" I ask. "Nothing is making sense to me."

"Danielle he was protecting you for the past year," Ethan says. "Grayson would call when he was allowed to and keep me updated on you because your actions stood out from everyone else in the whole group. He asked to talk to Mr. Banks he would talk to Sonia, or that is what I over heard. No wonder he was in such a hurry to find you yesterday. He knew you escaped."

I don't know what to think or what to feel. There has to be something missing from this story. I lie down in my bed and stare at the ceiling.

"Okay I have a lot to say," Elizabeth says. " I have worked with Mr. Banks and the system he runs here is nothing but safe. He was threatened multiple time by Sonia when she brought up this "Danielle" girl. She described you as rebellious and dangerous for our whole H.O.P.E system. We weren't informed about the training she was holding there until Grayson would talk to us once a month or so."

Ethan and Elizabeth both sit on the ground. All of our minds are being blown.

"Mr. Banks was told that if you were to keep up your act she would either kill you or kill a this special child who I now know is his son," Elizabeth continues. "He promised her everything and hoped that you would stop. He was confused as to why you did the things you did because he imagines Section A to be like this. Grayson made it clear that you could see right through Sonia and that you knew that what was happening back there wasn't right. Grayson also told us about the mass killing that was going to happen but it was too late. He said he could handle it and that he had a team in the inside but-"

"They all died," I say creating silence. "I was supposed to die in that mass killing. Everyone I knew died that day."

"I'm sorry Danielle," Ethan says. "I know what you went through was rough."

"I'm sorry too Ethan. It was practically my fault. If I wasn't so dumb and just followed what she wanted none of this would've happened. So many people could have been alive right now but-"

"She was training you too kill all the Sections off," Elizabeth says cutting me off. "If you followed her rules you would've done the killing. You could've killed us. You weren't the only rebel in this. Grayson was working both sides keep you safe and Mr. Banks didn't tell anyone but me about his communications with Section A. He would tell us that everything in the other Sections were alright. He surely keeps his secrets."

"So this whole time while other people where threatened and hurt for not following the rules I was kept safe because of my brother and Grayson?"

"Basically," Elizabeth says.

"What about the walky talky in the forest?" I ask looking at Ethan. "The two men who were with Ethan and I, you were connected."

"Sonia was killed by then and we took her valuables. Mr. Banks told me what to say because he knew that Grayson would listen if it were me telling him what to do. It was a plan to keep you all safe. I didn't know he was going to shoot all three of them."

"The other two are dead but Grayson has a medical room which means there is hope right?" I ask.

"I couldn't see why Mr.Banks would kill Grayson after all he has done," Elizabeth says.

"We have to go see him," I say.

"No I have to go see him," Ethan says. "Danielle you can't see him until you work yourself into his Section first. Things are different here I promise."

"So I can't see Grayson? Is that a challenge?"

"It's a demand," Elizabeth says with a some what serious tone. "So do something that you're not use to doing and follow the rules for once."

I watch as they both picked themselves off the floor and dust their pants.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Tomorrow, walk around and build your credit," Grayson says. "Talk to strangers, grab food, do to events-"

"- and come to me whenever and I will bring you to Dominic. I won't be following you tomorrow because I am going to demands Mr. Banks to let me go," Elizabeth says.

"You can mention that you know that I am his sister and that he has a son if you'd like. At this point I just don't care," I say with a smile. 

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