Chapter 5

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I have been walking in this forest alone, crying for the loss of Hunter and all those people who I have spent a year with. Even though I did not like most of them, it is still horrible what has happened. Out of the possible 30 kids collectively in 1-16, 2-16, 1-17, 2-17, I am the only person who made it out alive. 

I have known Hunter for a long time. He was the new kid in grade 5 and I made it a goal to become friends with him. We did not stay close in grade 7 & 8 but we picked up our friendship in high school. He wanted to graduate so badly because he wanted to live the "independent life," or that is what he always said. If The Freeze did not take place we were be in our senior year working towards our high school diploma. 

I cannot stop thinking about Hunter and the million possibilities of his murder. Was he shot? Was he stabbed? Was he in pain for a long time? Did he feel nothing at all? It is thoughts like this that have been taking over my mind. The thought of him hurts my heart. Knowing that I did not see this coming or the fact that I felt to comfortable with living the life I was living gives me guilt. I should have speculated more and I should have paid more attention to details. 

I do not know where I am going, but I am going somewhere. I want to find Dominic but I do not know where he is nor how to get him. If he was here with me right now he would tell me to stop crying and to be happy,  but he isn't here to tell me that; neither is Hunter. 

I need to take a rest from all this walking. I sit against a thick tree and look at me feet that lay in front of me. If Hunter was watching over at me in this very moment what would I tell him? Sorry? I miss you? I cannot even think about the possibility of him and the other kids being dead. 

If I see any H.O.P.E staff within the forest I will shoot them, but I will not kill them instantly. I want them to suffer the way they have made all of us suffer. I have a few bullets left but I have to keep in mind that this gun is the only thing I have on me. I do not have food, water, fire source, or anything else. 

"Danielle!" I turn and I see Grayson Dolan behind me. I jump to my feet and pull out my gun. I point my gun towards him. I grip my finger around the trigger. 

I am going to shoot him. Nothing can hold me back now. 

FrozenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora