Chapter 21

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"How much further?" I ask Grayson. 

"We are almost there," he says with excitement in his voice. 

I turn to the two men beside me. 

"Did you two take your trackers out?" I ask. 

It takes them a while to answer until Zach answered. 

"Of course," he says with a reassuring voice. I still do not believe him. 

"Can I check?" I ask.

"Danielle," Grayson says.

"Grayson, those trackers could be the reason why we live or die. They know that those two boys will be with us so they could be tracking us right now," I say which is extremely logical in my eyes. 

"Well, I believe that they don't have them on," Grayson says. 

"Me too but it doesn't hurt to check," I say back. I proceed to walk behind the two men. Grayson grabs my arms and turns me around. 

"Danielle please," he says. 

"Grayson do you not get it. How can we sneak in if they have trackers on them?"

"You are making a very good point but just trust them," he says. I shake his hands off me and continue to walk. 

"Don't be mad at me," he says. 

"You're just being very stupid right now. Those two men... I don't care if they have family or if they are telling the truth right now but-"

"Here!" Francis yells handing me two trackers. "Those are ours. Can we continue now?"

I hold onto the trackers and something in me is telling me that these aren't there's. There is nothing I can say to influence Grayson at this point. I will never trust those two. 

We continue to walk and in just in a few minutes we found ourselves walking towards a huge building. We are still in the forest.

"We need to make a plan," I say. "We can't just walk up to the building." 

"Okay so remember the plan I had before, how it would seem like we captured you and are turning you in," Grayson says. 

"Good plan," Zach says. 

"I think things have changed since then. You made it very clear to Sonia that you are her enemy," I say back to Grayson. "We need to think more about this."

"Yeah, but Sonia isn't there," he says to me. 

"And how do you know that?" I ask back. 

"Just trust the guy," Francis says to me. He gently grabs both my arms and brings them behind me. He holds them in place and Grayson takes a gun out and points it at my head. 

"Yeah, I am putting a lot of trust in you guys right now but I am not getting a good feeling about this," I say. My heart is racing.

"There is something much bigger going on and you guys don't want to think about that," I say. 

They all ignore me which pisses me off. I am getting so mad at Grayson right now for not listening. 

We walk towards the building set up as if I was "captured." We are wide open, big targets, big fools. We walk up slowly to the side door of this building. 

*STOP!* A voice over the P.A says. *WHAT IS THIS?!*

"We have Danielle Banks here sir!" Grayson yells. 


They all let go of me and step away from me. Grayson remains beside me, Francis behind me and Zach to my right. 


Grayson drops his gun and we all put our hands up. I am waiting to be called in but I need to start planning what I have to say when I am in there. I don't know who the "Sonia" of this Section is but I know no to trust anyone in there. 

Zach gets shot making him fall. I quickly duck. I watch Francis get shot. I look over to Grayson in fear that in a second he will be next. I jump up and grab him, but a gun shot goes off. 

We both do tumbling down. 

I lift myself off him and I can see the bullet shot on the side of his stomach. I start to cry. 

I place my hands on the sides of his face as my eyes start to pour. 

"Grayson?" I whisper to him. "Please talk to me." 

His eyes are slightly open and he is still breathing. 

"This was meant to happen," he says as blood starts to come out of him mouth. 

"Grayson no," I says holding his face in my hands. "Keep talking to me. Stay wake."

"Danielle," he says taking in a deep breath. "I love you."

"Don't say that," I say to him. "This isn't the end." 

I turn and see men running towards us. I turn back to Grayson. 

"Don't die on me," I say to him. "I love you, Grayson Dolan. I need you here with me." 

He smiles at me with pain in his face. 

"Stay strong for me love," he says. His eyes shut slowly. 

"no..." I whisper. "NO! GRAYSON WAKE UP!" 

I start to shake him. All of a sudden I get pulled away from him by men in all black. 

"LET GO OF ME!" I yell. "You have to help him please!"

I start to kick and fight against him. 


Seven men are around me carrying me back to the building. Some men stayed behind to collect the three bodies that lay behind. 

I continue to scream and kick. They don't budge. Tears continue to roll down my face. 

We get inside and they strap me down onto a roll bed, like the ones they have in hospitals. I have given up with the screaming at this point. I continue to try to budge out though but with all the men it is hard to free myself out of these straps. 

They roll me down the hall and leave me in this dark room. 

"Someone will assist you in a moment," one of the men say. I can hear the door shut as they leave but I continue to lay here all alone. 

Alone once again with the fear that Grayson might be dead. 

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