Chapter 40

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We stand in a huge garage filled with multiple vehicles. I do not understand how this section got all of these resources. I notice that Elizabeth is pointing at the big black matte truck in front of us. 

"Woah," I say walking towards it. I brush my hands across the side of it. It's smooth and clean. 

"Hop in," Elizabeth says. "I'll drive you back so they can hop in from the front entrance." 

"Sure thing," I say running around it to the other side. 

I hop into the front passenger seat right beside Elizabeth. She starts the car and drives onto the pathway in the middle of the garage. She drives up to the door which opens automatically upward. I guess there were motion detectors. 

I honestly thought that Elizabeth did not have the best interest for us, but she is helping us now. 

"I can't thank you enough for all of this," I say. I slowly turn my head to face her and plant a smile on my face. 

"No worries, Mr. Banks thought this was the right solution and I could not argue," she replies. 

"I can't complain about it. I will finally be free from all this H.O.P.E mess," I say back. I quickly realize that she does not have that choice. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to offend-"

"No worries," she says. "We are the opposite. I quite like it here and I know that must be weird for you to hear but we had extremely different experiences. For that, I am sorry." 

"I'm glad you find comfort in this place," I say back. 

Elizabeth stops the car in front of the entrance. This was the exact spot in which Grayson was shot and the other two men were killed. 

The fact that those two men were killed made me realize something. Those men worked for Sonia. If Sonia and Nicholas are close, why was he okay with killing her people? Maybe she told him that she did not mind them dying. Maybe they aren't so close. Maybe Sonia isn't who Nicholas said she was and is lying about everything. Is Sonia actually Rose's middle name?   

"Hey," Elizabeth says. "You alright?" 

"Oh yeah sorry," I say. "I-I am just letting everything sink in." 

I open my door and walk up to the building. The door opens automatically. I look up at the camera located at the top right of the door and smile. I wait for Elizabeth because I do not remember fully how to get to my room from here, hence the last time I was here I was strapped onto a bed. 

"Hey," Grayson says as soon as he sees me turn the corner. "We're just packing last minute things." 

Elizabeth walks into my room. Ethan and Dominic are still packing. 

"Are you okay," Grayson says. "You look distressed." 

"Can I talk to you?" I whisper to him. 

"Yeah of course." 

We walk down the hallway quickly. 

"I think this is a set up," I whisper to him. 


"Listen, there has to be a reason why he is okay with us leaving." 

"Maybe he just wants the best for you Danielle." 

"Think about it. There is probably no fight happening. He might be sending Sonia to the cabin we are staying at."

Listen to yourself," Grayson whispers. "Something good is finally happening and you don't want to believe it." 

"Well, you can't blame me. This is too good to be true." 

"But it could be true," he whispers back. 


Grayson looks upset at me. 

"Babe, last time you didn't listen to me, you were shot," I whisper. "Luckily they didn't kill you, but what if that was the original plan."

"Danielle please," Grayson says. "We have to get out of here," he says returning to a whisper. 

"I know," I say. "I would never want to stay here, but when we get to the cabin we are leaving to the city." 

I can't tell what is running through Grayson's mind right now. 

"Okay," he says. "I trust you and I want to stick with you. If that means we won't stay in that cabin, so be it." 

He pulls me in and kisses my forehead. We walk back to the group together.

"Ready to go?" Ethan asks. 

"Yeah," I say walking into my room. I grab my duffle bag and look around my room one last time. 

"It's time to get out of here."  

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