Chapter 25

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I walk out of his office and back into the hallway. 

"Everything went well?" Elizabeth asked. 

"Yep," I said holding out my hand to Dominic. "It is time to take you back to your class."

"I want to spend more time with you," he says. "I don't want to be separated for months again."

I look down at Dominic holding back any emotions. I look up at Elizabeth and back at Dominic. 

"Things are different now kiddo," I say to him. "I will see you a lot more often here." 

"You promise?" he asks. 

I take a deep breath in. 

"I promise," I say smiling down at him. 

"Follow me," Elizabeth says. 

We both follow her down the hallways and conversations about Dominic's friends start up. He tells me about his friends named Eve and Jacob. I like the idea of Dominic having friends and starting a new life here, but I still don't trust it. There could be something that they are hiding. 

"Here we are," Elizabeth says. 

I let go of Dominic hand and kneel to his level. I pull him into a hug and he hugs me back. 

"I love you Dominic," I whisper into his ear. 

"I love you too DD," he whispers back. 

I let go of him and stand back up. Dominic turns and walks into his class and I watch as the door shuts in front of me. 

"What are they learning in there?" I ask. 

"Right now I believe they are learning literacy," Elizabeth says. 

"Literacy... like reading and writing and stuff?" 

"Yes ma'am. I told you, it's different here." 

I don't believe her. 

"Well, is there anywhere else you would like to go?" she asks. 

I think about it. 

"Do you have a medical station in this building?" I ask.

"I know what you are getting to. Yes we do but I sadly cannot take you there."

"Grayson is there right?"

"I cannot give you any information on Grayson."

"Is he alive?"

"I'm sorry but I cannot enclose that infor-"

"Please," I say in a sad tone. 

She takes a deep breathe in. 

"I'm sorry but I can't-"

"Of course," I say cutting her off. "Of course you're sorry. Just like the rest of them." 

I walk away and she follows behind me. 

"Danielle, you can't wonder the halls by yourself," she says. 

"Isn't that why you're following me?"

"I must lead you to where you want to go next," she says. 

I random thought went enters my mind. 

"Does Mr.Banks have any relatives in this building?" 

"Why would you ask such a question?" she asks. 

"I'm just wondering. Maybe his mother is here?" 

"Even if I did know I wouldn't be allowed to tell you."

I have to escape this woman. She seems nice but I don't trust anyone anymore. I need to find a way to rid her. 

"May you bring me to the washroom?" I ask. 

"Of course, right this way."

I follow her down multiple hallways. We turn left than right. How can a washroom be so far? I swear we passed a couple of washrooms already. 

"Here we are," she says. "Its a single one so I will wait for you out here."

"Thank you," I say. 

I walk inside and lock the door. I don't really need to use the washroom but I was hoping that their was a vent in here, and there is. A miracle has come! I have seen the ventilation system here so maybe I can crawl my way to Grayson.... or to Grayson's body. 

I close the toilet lid and step on top of it. I take a bobby pin from my hair and unscrew the screws on this vent. I only wear bobby pins for moments like this one. 

I unscrew each one, one by one, and open up this vent. I slowly bring it down without making any noise. I don't want Elizabeth thinking anything suspicions is going on. 

I step back onto the toilet lid and pull myself into the vents. I try my hardest not to make too much noise. 

"Are you alright?" Elizabeth asks. 

I duck my head out of the vents. 

"Yes..." I say back. 

I quickly bring my head back into the vents, turn my body, and start to crawl. I may have no idea where I am going but I am glad I am going somewhere away from her. 

Maybe I can find Grayson. 

Maybe I can find out if he is alive or not. 

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