Chapter 35

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Ethan walks Grayson and I down a few halls taking a few turns. During this time I have to think of a way for my brother to help the people affected by the freeze. There has to be millions of people out there no moving at all and not knowing that time is going on without them. As we age, they will remain frozen and the more time that is wasted the more time that these people are missing. 

"Here we are," Ethan says. "You should be familiarized by the building by now." 

"I think it is better if I go alone-" 

"Are you mad?!" Grayson says cutting me off. He lowers his head and whispers "we are in this together Danielle." 

"Grayson, he is my brother and I don't care what past you two had but I think this plan is better." 

"She's right," Ethan says. 

"You can't be siding with her right now," Grayson says. 

"No listen, if people know Danielle is in there alone maybe people will believe that she is just mending a relationship with this section's leader. Also, you could start approving your credit in the cafe over breakfast." Ethan says trying to persuade Gray. 

"Yeah and when was the last time you two had time together, as twins. Grayson I know how much this could mean-" 

"Okay okay I'll go," Grayson says cutting me off again. I can tell he is a little embarrassed. 

"You'll be okay?" Grayson asks. 

"I've been through worse," I reply. "Go!" 

I watch as the twins turn and walk back to the cafe. I turn and ring the door bell that is placed in front of my brother's office. 

I watch as the camera on top of the door turns on and turns to me. 

*The door is open* Nick says through the teleprompter.

I open the door and walk in. He is sitting in his chair behind his desk and is watching me like a hawk. 

"I wanted to start off by apologizing to you," I say trying to suck up. If I could, I would throw up because I hate apologizing for things I am truly not sorry. 

"I was disrespectful in the beginning... and... for leaving Elizabeth in the dust that one time..."

"Danielle you're my little sister," Nicholas says. "I know you're don't really care but I forgive you for facing your problems. I'll just let you know now that I see everything that happens and I decided to keep my mouth shut." 

"I'm sorry?" I say with confusion. I try to hide my face of disgust but looking at how is he acting is just nasty to me. 

"I know that you escaped through the vents the first day you were here and found your way to Grayson, Ethan helped you get out of that mess, you him and Elizabeth that we are related, and you got Grayson again last night." 

"Did she tell you that?" I ask

"Who? Elizabeth?" he responds.


"Stop trying to find someone else to blame for something that was clearly your fault," he says. 

"Excuse me?" I say not hiding my face of disgust anymore. 

"You think you can run around here like an immature child-"

I start to laugh which cuts him off. 

"What's so funny?"

"Because look at you Nick," I say continuing to laugh. "An-an-and I'm the immature child!" 

I fall onto the floor continuing to laugh. He is looking at me with anger but I don't give two fucks!

"Boy listen to this! You blame everyone for this silly freeze... HAAAAAA... and you knew about it! Yo-you walk around this place with your little bitches you do whatever the hell you ask them to do because they are afraid that you will be the next Sonia. BROOO people are scared of you because you are childish and might create the next mass shooting!" 

"Danielle you have gone absolutely insane!"

"No no no listen you're right though. I'm childish and immature you're right," I say getting up from the floor and taking a seat at one of the chairs in front of his desk. 

"Listen it was my fault and I have come to face it. Sonia was crazy, she really was but I am the one who killed everyone in there. If it wasn't for me getting on her last nerve she wouldn't have killed all those people-"

"Danielle stop-"

"No but it's true! She didn't like when people questioned her or did things outside her rules but I didn't give two shits. I made her look stupid multiple times and broke all the rules-"

"Danielle you know that she planned to do that shoot for a long time-"

"She wouldn't have mapped out that event without someone pushing her to do so and that person was me. I played with the most powerful person in that section and I messed up and now a lot of people I knew are now dead." I say looking down at the floor. "I'm an immature child and you're right."

Silence fills the room. 

"Why did you come here Danielle?" Nick asks me. 

"I know this building was created before the freeze and since you are in power you must know something about the freeze," I say back. 

"You came in here to get information?" he asks.

"For my own comfort." 

"Are you looking for the cure?" 

"Yes, yeah that is why I'm here." 

"Well, I'll tell you what I have told everyone else, researchers are looking for one right now." 

"That's bullshit." 


"You're telling me that you knew so much going into the freeze that you don't have the cure?"

"If I knew the cure don't you think I would be sharing it right now?" 

"Probably not," I say getting up. 

"What are you trying to say?" 

"You like this power and you're selfish." I say back to him. I walk towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" 

"I'm not learning anything new in here," I say continuing to walk not looking behind. 

"Danielle wait," he says. I am tempted to keep walking but I pause. 

"There is something I have to tell you," he says. 

I turn to him and I can see that he looks guilty. 

"Well what is it?!" I ask.

"Please, take a seat." 

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