Chapter 13

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Dear Grayson, 

You deserve to be alive. With what you have gone through I know you can make it out alive this time around. If you find yourself reading this I am glad you have found your way back. How you did it, I will never understand. You're a strong person and will do anything for the people you care about and sadly I was to ignorant to see this. 

I am hoping you know your way from here. Luckily for you I have left a trail of something random things behind me going towards the other Section. Follow it and you will be able to catch up to me unless I have already made it to the Section. 

I hope you are alive even though there is a slim chance you are. Please. If not, I promise to greet your brother. I will tell him about you and how I may have hated you even though you were protecting me. I will tell him that you loved him dearly and would have done anything in the world to be with him for one more day. 

When time comes, I will avenge you whether or not you are alive. I will do your name no harm. 


     Danielle Banks 

ps. I will not know if you are alive or not until I see you again so if you are reading this, please follow the trail. I want you to be alive. I need you to be alive. 

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