Chapter 28

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"We have to hide," Elizabeth says running towards my closet. 

Ethan immediately slides under my bed. I sit here in shock. I do not know what to do. 

"Go get the door," Ethan whispers from under my bed. Elizabeth has already placed herself in my closet. 

I walk towards the door. I take a deep breath and open it. Nicholas, my brother, stands in front of me. 

"What?" I ask with a little bit of attitude. 

"Danielle stop with this attitude of yours. You weren't like this before the Freeze happened," he says back to me. 

"The Freeze happened over a year ago Nick. Things have changed and I can clearly see that people change as well," I say looking him up and down. 

"Don't talk about change. Look at yourself. You were never things damn moody before," he says back. 

"You haven't been in my situation Mr.KingOfTheWorld," I say back not letting him win. "You seem to be living in a palace for a bit WHILE I HAVE BEEN LIVING IN A PRISON!" 

"Danielle if I have known what Sonia was doing to all of you back in Section A don't you think I would've stopped her a long time ago?" 

"I don't believe you would have since you didn't even tell me before hand about this damn Freeze and the fact that Dominic and I are immune to it," I say taking a deep breath. "You can't even talk to him."

"It a lot more complicated than it seems," he says back. 

"Sure bud," I say. "Keep standing there." 

I turn and walk to my bed leaving the door open. I will not let him into my room. 

"Why did you leave Elizabeth?" he asked. 

"Why did you leave me?" I ask back.

"Danielle just answer my questions so we can carry on with our day okay?" he says with a fake smile. 

"Do you mean carry on with your day?" I get up and start walking back towards the door. "So you can go on and run this section with pride and power while your son is questioning where his father is everyday? So I can wait to see if my friend is dead or not because of your dumb actions? Don't come at me with questions if you don't even know what the hell you're doing yourself." 

I grab the door and look him straight in his eyes. 

"So how about you go have fun with the rest of your day while I sit here and wait for the news on whether or not Grayson is dead. This chat was fun! Bye bye now." 

I shut the door in his face. I turn and place my back on the door. I take a deep breath in and slow down my racing heart. 

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