Chapter 10

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"Sorry for being mean to you," I say to Grayson. "I associated you with H.O.P.E and I was clueless. If I knew about your plan or about anything, I would have stopped." 

"I know you would have but it was believed that not telling you was for the better. It is to late to see if telling you would have changed anything."

"Thank you again," I say to him. I do not know why, but something in me is still telling me not to trust him. He was assigned to find me so what if he is just pretending like he is cool with me until the rest of the group leaders catch up to us.... to me. What if being with him right now part of him plan. 

"No problem," he says back smiling at me. "Look, there's a small neighborhood. I knew we would reach this point which means we are heading the right way." 

He points to the houses in front of us that form a small, random street with about 6 houses on each side of the street. We walk towards it preparing to possibly loot the houses. I get my backpack ready by pulling it in-front of me and unzipping it. 

"We should split up," I say mainly because killing me in one of these houses could be ideal for him. " We can meet up at the end." 

"Sure..." he says back getting his bag prepared. 

I run into the first house and he runs to the one right across. I open the door and pull out my gun. As quiet as this neighborhood may seem, someone could still be surviving out here, somehow. 

I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge in hopes for some food. Empty. I open the drawers and surprisingly there are knifes still here. I take two fairly big ones and stored them into my bag. It is so weird for taking something and not being yelled at for it. 

I walk up the stairs to the bedroom and search the drawers and closets. Nothing but clothing and random junk. I would love to change, but it would take space in my bag for more useful things. 

I search a couple more houses along my side of the street. Grayson yells over saying that he found some water bottles and canned food. I found some canned fruit in house #2 and water bottles and more canned food in house #3. 

I go into house #4 our of the 6. I walk into the living room with hopes to find bullets or more weapons. I do not completely trust Grayson so having more ammo would help. 

I hear cars driving down the street from the forest. Big, cars, possibly trucks. 

I instantly duck and crawl to the window. I peek my head up and look at the road. Black cars, bigger than regular cars roll up with megaphones on the top. 

*Grayson Dolan, Danielle Banks, you have been located*

A voice from the cars says this through the megaphones. I can hear it loud and clear, but how were they able to find us?

*Danielle, your survival through the extinction of Section A has impressed Sonia. She has decided that instead of killing you, she would love to take you back and train you to become a potential leader.*

This is not right. I know that Grayson could be to blame, but how could he have contacted them if he was with me the whole time. 

When we separated to search the houses he could have called them over. Fuck. I thought being away from him would help me. I run up the stairs into a bedroom. I close the door behind me and look out the window making sure not to show myself. 

I took the tracker out of my arm one time back at Section A when I planned to run away, but they could have found a way to put it back in me. How, and where? Maybe they tracked me down which could also be a reason as to why they are here. I cannot focus on this, I need to hide. 

I watch him enter the house from the window and I quickly hide in the closet. There is so much clothing here. I enter and close the closet doors. I ruffle myself to the left side of the closet and crouch in front of this long jacket. In the mean time I look for this tracker on my body. 

I rub my arms to look for a bum, my legs, my back. I rub the back of my neck and feel this super tiny bump which I would ignore everyday when I tie my hair up. I left my backpack downstairs in the living room which means I left my big knifes behind. Luckily I still have my pocket knife. 

I whip it out and slide open the knife. I cut open a tiny slit in the bump and try to squeeze out this tracker.

The bedroom door slams open and someone stomps in. 

"Sweetheart, I know you're in here. If you do not come out, I will go guns blazin'," the mysterious man says. 

I point my gun at the closet door waiting for the perfect time to shoot if he opens it. 

"Okay, you wanted it," he says. 

The sound of the gun goes off as he shoots everything in this room. I might die, he might shoot me. 

How will I get out of this one? 

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