Chapter 11

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Bullet holes fill the room. I can see bullet holes blasting the closet door as I continue to sit on the floor behind them. I cover my ears and shut my eyes. 


"Nope, she isn't in here Rob," he says stomping out. "It says she is still alive and I shot this whole room up."

*Okay, I think I might have her in this room* Another person says over a walkytalky.

More sounds of gun shots go off but from further away. I place my hand behind my neck slowly in hopes of finding a tracker as the other person is still shooting. A tiny ball rolls into my fingers and I take it out.

It is silver with a red light on it. How the hell did this get into my neck, and when?


I can hear the megaphones from the car say that from here. I am hoping that they think they killed me because I took this ball out of my neck.

*You can leave her body there. She deserves to rot alone*

Wow, those are kind words, to bad I have heard kinder.

I can hear the men stomp out of the house walking further away from me. How did I do it? I do not know. 

*Grayson Dolan, stop hiding. We can see that you are still alive. What, are you sad that we killed the manipulative Ms. Banks? Sad that you wasted your time trying to save her even though we still managed to kill her?*

Wait, so is he hiding from them as well? Do they know I am still alive? I slip the ball into my pocket cause maybe it could help me along the way. 

I slowly walk out of the closet with the gun in my hands ready to shoot. I walk out making sure all sides are clear. I walk to the bedroom door and slowly shut the door. I walk over the to the window and peek. 

I see three men talking. Probably discussing where to find Grayson. Three more walk out of the house Grayson last walked into. 

They all hop into the two cars and it sits there for a while. 

*We will wait here until you are ready to come out Grayson*

I am screwed. I can't run away until they are gone. A little bit of me hopes that he stays alive, another bit of me hopes that if he gives, he will leave his bag behind so I can take the map. 


Maybe an hour has gone by. To be honest, I am surprised no one has came back to take my body, or behead me. With the time that passed by, they could have actually killed me. 

I hear a car door slam close and I rush to the window. I peek and see four men walk into the house Grayson was in. They take some time in there. 

About five more minutes go by and the four men walk out with Grayson in their possession. Two of them is holding his arms and the other two holding his legs. Grayson is crying and shouting, struggling to free himself. 

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" He screams with pain in his voice. I cover my mouth with shock. I have never seen him like this. 

"YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED ALL OF THEM!" He continues to kick and shout. 

"FUCKING LET GO OF ME! I'M NOT AFRAID TO DIE! JUST KILL ME!" There is something in me that knows they will do something worse than murder him. Maybe torture him. I trust him now, but it is to late. 

Helpless. I cannot save him like how I could not have save Hunter. 


The men listen and drop him to the ground behind the car. One of them sits on top of him and starts punching him in the face. He gets up and another man starts to kick him. Blood rushes from his nose and mouth. My legs freeze in place watching him from above. My heart is beating so fast that I can hear it. 

Grayson looks up at them men with his quirky smile. "Is that all boys? Can't kill me huh? You want Queen Sonia to do it. Need to follow that bitch's rules huh?" 

The man kicks him again. Grayson coughs out blood. What is he doing? Why is he giving up so quick. My stomach starts to turn and twist. I might throw up thinking about this. I never thought that seeing Grayson in pain would make me feel disgusted with myself. 

They pick up his body and throw him into the car. He did not try to fight back this time. It could be because he is in pain now. I watch as the cars drive away leaving me behind. I drop to my knees and tears start to roll down my face. 

Useless. I am useless. Grayson has done so much more me and now I choose to believe it 100%. He is gone and in a couple of days he will be dead like the rest of them. Alone. I am alone. Grayson was my partner and I pushed him away because I didn't trust him. I do not, but it is to late. If we looted the houses together, we could both be alive. 

What now? What can I do with myself now? 

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