Chapter 12

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The black trucks have left a long time ago, I have just let time go by. I am sitting is this shot up bedroom alone and clueless. I still do not believe that I made it through that. I still do not believe that they took Grayson. Who knows, maybe he is dead now. 

My tears have dried on my face. I push myself onto my feet and walk over to the washroom. I look at myself in the mirror. 

You could have done more. You could have done less. 

I turn the tap on and rinse my face. I grab the closest towel, wipe my face, and turn the tap off. I walk down the stairs holding my gun in my hands just in case. I walk towards my backpack and place my gun in the back of my pants. 

I strap my backpack on and leave the house, this broken house. I walk across the street towards the house Grayson was in. When the men took him out of the house he was not wearing his backpack so hopefully he left it behind with the map. 

My legs are still weak from being in shock. I walk past dried up blood on the street, Grayson's blood. I have this feeling as if I need to throw up, but I cannot. I walk up to the front porch of the house and enter it. 

I search the house, the living room, bedrooms, washrooms and lastly the kitchen. I see his backpack and a piece of paper on the counter. 

It's a letter from Grayson. It reads: 


Something in me tells me that you're not dead. Something in me is telling me that you are waiting in that house across the street waiting for the trucks to go away so you can be free. You figured out how to trick them. I feel like an asshole for forgetting about our trackers and life detectors. If you happen to read this, I am sorry for all of this. You have to go on alone now. In my backpack you will find my map which will bring you to Dominic's Section. When you make it there, and I know you will, please tell Ethan that I love him and that I wish I could have made it as well. 

I know you Danielle. You're altruistic and that's one of the main reasons why I like you so much. When it comes to your nephew, you are selfless. I saw your love for him, anyone could see it... if only they cared enough to look. I could not help but admire, and to admire you. This is why I needed to protect you for years. Despise what anyone else said about you, you have a heart of gold and I am glad I got to see it. 

Go on without me. Do not wait for me. I will not be coming back. If you're alive that is enough for me. I am hoping you are alive. I know that once they capture me I WILL DIE. As you are reading this, I might be dead, but do not worry about me. I know where I have gone wrong and for that I deserve to die. Everything I hope for right now is for you to be alive. Please be alive. I am running out of time. Take care of yourself. 



Tears roll down my cheeks. I want to scream in pain. I have basically lost another friend. He had hope in me and I have small ounce of hope for him. I sit on the chair in front of the counter. I place my hands over my face and cry harder. 

How could he be so down on himself. Despise all that I have felt about his before I know he did not deserve to die. He wanted to help us. He wanted to help me. To help Dominic. I let him down.

If he is alive he would want to come back here. He would want to take his backpack and continue on his journey. He would survive alone out here, if he made it out of his mess alive. If he does he will find me but I must move on. 

I stuff the letter he wrote to me in my bag. I open his backpack and take his notebook out and rip out a sheet from his notebook. I take his pen and write a letter back to him, a letter I wish he will be able to read. I letter I am praying he will read. 

Dear Grayson,...  

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