Chapter 14

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I leave my letter on the counter. I take the map from his bag and chuck into my pocket. I take some more food and put it into my bag so I can make a trail. I grab my bag and head out the door leaving this street behind. 

I walk down the road skipping the rest of the houses. I am sure that I have enough food to last me. When I checked the map showed that I just had to walk straight for a couple of more kilometers until I turn right. 

I open up a box of froot loops to make the trail behind me. I made sure to pick a colorful food so it is easier to see. I also space out this trail so this box can last a while. 

I walk into the woods alone this time. It is a lot quieter. Since H.O.P.E believes that I am dead I will be good for now. I towards a bridge that it built on top of water. It is a long bridge that the map shows that I must walk across. 

I take the silver, tiny ball from out of my pocket and throw it into the water. It was the last thing H.O.P.E had on me and the last thing they will ever have on me. 


It feels like 45 minutes have passed. I walk deeper into the woods leaving this trail behind me. 


The ground below me shakes a little. I look behind me and see black smoke filling the air far from here. It is surprising how I was able to hear that explosion. What could it be? 

The black smoke continues to rise up and I start to get worried. It is far from me, but I do not know what could be in these woods with me. I turn back and run straight away from the smoke. I job making sure I still keep my trail up. 

Whatever it could have been, I hope it was nothing horrible. A part of me hopes it was Grayson finding a way to escape, another part of me thinks it may have been H.O.P.E finding out that I am not dead. I am paranoid. 

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