Chapter 24

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"I missed you buddy," I say with tears coming down my eyes. I continue to hold him in my arms holding him so tight. 

"Why are you crying?" Dominic asks me. 

I pull him away from me. 

"... because I missed you," I say pushing out a smile. 

"I was scared you wouldn't be able to find me since I moved Sections," he says. 

"I will always find you Dom," I say placing my hands on the side on his cheeks. 

I get up onto my feet and grab his hand. 

"Wanna go on an adventure?"  I ask him. 

He nods his head up and down. I look over at his teacher. 

"Sorry ma'am. I have to borrow Mr.Banks for a minute. I will return him... whenever."

"I am so sorry," the teacher says to me. "It is under regulation that Dominic Banks must stay in his assigned classroom until commanded by a higher authority that he is granted-"

"I will allow for Dominic Banks, prodigy 0021, to leave this classroom in promise of his return," Elizabeth says. 

The teacher looks at the three of us in shock. 

"Alright then," the teacher says.

I walk out of the class with Dominic in my hands. 

"May you take us to Mr. Dolan," I ask Elizabeth. 

"I am sorry but I was told not to bring you to Grayson Dolan," she says. 

"I wasn't talking about Grayson," I say. "I want to meet Ethan Dolan. I am sure you weren't told to keep me away from him." 

She takes a deep breathe in. I know I have found a small loop hole. 

"Right this way," she says leading us down the hall. 

I look down at Dominic and rub his head. 

"Hey, have you met the boss around here yet?" I ask him. 

"Ma'am please don't talk about the boss. We are not allowed to talk about him especially to the children," Elizabeth says. 

"I am sorry but why is that?" I ask back. 

"It was under his rules and he told-"

"Sweetheart I don't follow a lot of rules. I thought you knew that... and this is a conversation between my nephew and I. I already have to deal with the fact that you have to follow me around and now you're telling me what I can and cannot say." 

"Ma'am this is not what I wanted," she says.

I stay silent for a little bit. 

"... then what do you want?" 

She doesn't respond back. I look down at Dominic and he looks up at me. 

"I haven't met him yet," he says to me. I am surprised that Elizabeth doesn't stop him. "We get to meet him when we are 8 years old." 

"He will be ready when you are eight?" I ask. 

How can my brother be so afraid of meeting his own son.

"Yeah!" He says excitingly. 

"Do you know his name?" I ask. 

"No, but rumors are spreading and the kids in my class think his name is Robert," he says with a little giggle. "I don't believe them though." 

"What do you think his name is?" I ask. 

"I don't know," he says. "One day I will know though so I can wait." 

"That makes the two of you," I say look forward. 

It is not long until we reach our next destination. We stand in front of an office with a light brown door. 

"This is Ethan Dolan's office. He is one of the youngest teachers here," Elizabeth says. 

"Teacher?" I ask. "That's just... wow ummm... okay." 

"I must tell you now that Dominic is not allowed to go into his office so he must stay out here with me," she says. 

I duck down to Dominic's level. 

"Remember what we learned back at our Section. Don't let her pick on you okay,"  I say to him. 

"Don't worry. The people here are nicer," he says smiling. 

Hearing that shakes my heart. I can definitely see a lot of difference here compared to Section A. 

I stand back up and knock on the door. It opens automatically and I walk in looking back at Dominic as the door shuts. 

I walk forward into his office and I see him standing there. He is wearing a buttoned up shirt and a tie with navy blue dress pants. He looks so much like Grayson. My heart starts to race and I am left speechless. 

"I'm sorry," I say in almost a whisper. "I-I didn't expect this to be hard. 

"Oh, Danielle," he says. "Please take a seat." 

I walk up to the chair and sit in it. I look at him ready to tell him everything. 

"Grayson is here," I say. "They shot him and if there is some sort of medical station here or something he might be there." 

"They shot him?" he says. "They told me they wouldn't." 

"I-I don't know if he will make it this time around so..." 

"I know where he could be. We can go right now."

"I can't. There is this lady that is following me around and she won't let me go. I do encourage you to go though."

"Thank you for telling me," he says. 

"No worries. Ummm," I say being hesitant of what I wish to say next. "Grayson really loves you and um, I can tell you the whole story another time but he really did miss you. I think you should look for him right now." 

He looks at me and his eyes start to water. I places his fingers on his eyes and wipes them. 

"Thank you," he says. 

I nod and I and pick myself up out of the chair. 

"Wait," he says. I turn to look at him. 

"I will find out what room you're staying at and tonight I will get you and bring you to Grayson," he says. 

"I can't," I say. "I mean I want to but this lady is still following me everywhere."

"Trust me, she will help us," he says. 

"I don't think so," I say smiling. 

"Isn't worth the try at least," he says. "Grayson did tell me you're the rebellious type." 

I smile at the thought of Grayson talking about me. 

"Okay sure," I say. "Let's give it a try." 

"Okay great. I'll see you tonight then," he says. 

"See you tonight." 

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