Chapter 39

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Ethan comes into my room with a duffle bag. The only things I can pack are the clothes that this place has provided me with.  

"I still don't have a great feeling about this," Grayson says with his duffle bag already filled. "What if he's lying again." 

"I don't know," I say. "I mean, what if he is telling the truth and putting all the people here in danger. A lot of people here might die." 

"If they don't die, then Sonia might make them into her own workers," Ethan says. "No matter what is going to happen, people will suffer." 

I sit down on my bed and stare at my duffle bag. 

"What are you thinking about?" Grayson asks. 

"This whole time I've wanted to escape, but now I feel guilty for leaving," I say. 

"You want to fight?" Ethan asks. 

"I want to save these people," I say. 

"You can't save everyone Danielle," Grayson says. 

"I can try," I say. 

"Think about Dominic okay," Grayson says. "If you decide to stay that means he has to stay. If Sonia gets her hands on him...."

"You're right," I say. 

I get up from the bed and zip the duffle bag. The door opens and Elizabeth comes in with Dominic. 

"Danielle?" he says walking into my room looking around. He sees me and runs to me. 

I duck down and hug him. "Hi Dominic, I want to introduce you to some people," I say letting go. 

Grayson and Ethan walk to him and duck down as well. 

"This is Grayson and Ethan," I say. The twins both shake Dominic's hands which makes me laugh. 

Dominic looks at me and I can tell he is shy and confused. 

"How do you feel about coming with me and leaving this section?" I ask Dominic. 

"Huh?" he asks. 

I look up at Grayson and Ethan who stood up. I look back down at Dominic. I am stuck between telling the truth or lying to him. There is already so much that he does not know. I don't know whether or not to tell him that he is in danger. 

"It would be like an endless adventure," Ethan says noticing that I went quiet. 

"An adventure?" Dominic asks. 

"Yeah," I reply. 

"To where?" he asks. 

"Just outside this section," Ethan says again saving me. Grayson has been quiet this entire time. 

"Wouldn't it be nice to see the outside world again?" I ask. 

There was another silence. 

"You're leaving?" Dominic asks. 

"Yeah," I say. 

"You should come with us," Grayson says speaking for the first time since Dominic came in. He said that softly, almost as if he forced himself to talk. 

"Can my friends come?" Dominic asks. 

My heart breaks. I forget about the new world he has created for himself here. Growing up, he always struggled with making friends which is why I always brought him places when I was with my friends. Knowing he made friends makes my chest hurt. I am both proud and guilty. 

My eyes start to tear up. 

"What's wrong?" Dominic asks. 

"Nothing," I say pulling him into a tight hug. "Nothing is wrong." 

Elizabeth walks up to us and places her hand on my back. 

"I need to talk to you," she says to me. 

I let go of Dominic and stand up. 

"Privately," she says. "Bring your things." 

She walks towards to door. 

"Stay with them okay," I tell Dominic. 

I grab my bag and Grayson's bag. 

"Thanks," Grayson says. 

I walk with both our duffle bags, one on each shoulder, and follow Elizabeth into the hall. 

"We have to discuss the plan before we leave," Elizabeth says. "There's mini cabins scattered across the woods. I was ordered to drive you guys to one of those cabins and leave you."

We continue to walk through the halls. I just follow her not taking in where we are turning. 

"In the truck, there is already food to last you a couple of months," she continues. "When the food supply runs low, you should be able to find more food in the city."

She hands me a map. I slip it into my duffle bag. 

"I already circled the cabin on that map. If you follow it, you will find yourself in the city. Since The Freeze, no one touched the stocks in the grocery stores or restaurants." 

"Okay, thank you," I say back to her. 

"I have to do what I am told to do," she replies. A simple you're welcome would have been alright but I guess that works. 

Elizabeth opens the door to the garage in front of us. 

"That is our ride," she says. 

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