Chapter #7

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Sin was nearly out of breath when she reached the area near the Huang estate. She had made sure that all the girls that were kidnapped along with herself, were set free and got away far enough from the slave traders. She was the last to leave as to make sure that the others had gotten a safe distance first.

I even carelessly bumped into a person. He was all dressed up fancy, too! I hope I didn't dirty his clothing...Sin sighed, knowing that the cost of clothing like that wasn't cheap.

She glanced around where she was now. She had ran away from the carriage after destroying it, and was now in a different part of the city.

It was still the evening and it was becoming darker, with the lights burning brightly on the streets.

Sin stood there for a brief moment, finding solace in the very place she grew up. She hadn't seen the place in a while, and coming back to the area was still warming, even after a bad situation.

The place did change a little bit, but not so much that she couldn't recognise it. It had more of a European influence, but still retained its traditions and original architecture.

Having regained her breath, the woman looked around to see the huge Huang estate, seeing that the doors were open, and one of the women that she had been stuck with in the carriage was there, speaking to one of the guards. The guards had instructed her to go a certain way, which she was very thankful for. After that, they closed the doors, with two of the guards standing outside for patrol.

I forgot how big this estate was...Sin thought, with a half-smile, seeing the huge walls that loomed over her.

She headed off downtown, seeing that the nightlife was just as lively as before, especially in the city's centre. It was quite bright and just seeing it reminded Sin of how it was back then. It was nearly the same, if not more developed.

A wave of nostalgia rushed through the woman as she walked down the path of stalls, the scent of Chinese food filling her nostrils.

It's been too long, she tore her eyes away from the stalls and shoved her hands into her coat pockets.

"Hm?" The Innocence user took out the round object that was in her pocket. She realised that it was the golem that would connect back to HQ.

I forgot I even had this...she turned it on, hoping that she didn't make the others worry too much. She had forgotten to turn it on when she left for the mission.

The golem flapped its wings as it head butted the exorcist, with Komui's voice shouting through the intercom, "THERE YOU ARE! FINALLY!"

A little shocked, Sin slapped her hands around the golem, muffling the sounds coming from it. She sighed and looked over her shoulder, seeing people staring at her with weird expressions.

"S-sorry!" She apologized.

Ignoring her apology, the people continued on as if she wasn't there.

Geez, Komui...Sin sighed deeply, releasing her hands from the golem. A video call from Komui had popped up almost immediately, showing him incredibly close to the screen, almost as if he was holding the golem itself.

"Chief, good evening." She greeted with a nod, almost sweat dropping at his antics.

"Was your golem turned off the whole time for your mission?" Komui went straight to the point, moving away from the screen. He was in the cafeteria, eating food. He sat down but didn't touch his meal yet.

"Yes. Sorry about that, I forgot to turn it on. I must have caused a lot of worry. I'm sorry." She apologized, lowering her head.

"Don't worry too much about it, just tell me what happened." Komui had started to dig into his food, waving around his fork. Sin could hear his stomach growling even over the call, which made her laugh lightly.

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