Chapter #10

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You will fall...

Deeper, deeper...

Into sleep...


"What am I going to do now, Chief?"

"What do you mean, Sin?" Komui asked. They were currently talking through the phone.

Allen's training to invoke his Innocence again was taking longer than imagined, with a full two days passing already. The boy didn't even get much rest in between days.

"Allen's getting stronger and training to get his Innocence back. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. All I'm doing is helping out with the other members of the Asia Branch. Shouldn't I be strengthening and honing my skills also?" Sin told Komui her thoughts directly.

She felt like she wasn't doing anything productive to help, while Allen was doing a lot.

"Why don't you train with the Finders and other experts?" Komui questioned. Last time he recalled, there were a lot of people there that she could train with.

"They're busy doing other stuff. I couldn't just interrupt them," Sin hesitated for a second, "I've been training by myself, but I don't think I'll get enough battle experience this way."

"I see." Komui thought for a long moment, pausing his hand from writing on a document. "I'll request one of those experts to train—"

"Ah, Sin! There you are!" Bak's voice was loud when he slammed open the door to the room she was in, seeing her on the phone. "Oh. Sorry." He raised his hands and closed the door gently.

"Branch Head?!" Sin had whipped around when she heard the door slam, "Come back! I'm just talking to Chief Komui!"

On the other side of the line, Komui sweat dropped and made a funny expression. That was quite the earful...

Bak slowly opened the door, peering in with his head first, before walking in slowly.

"You don't need to be so stiff, Branch Head." Sin laughed lightly, pulling the phone away from her face a little.

Well, that was embarrassing, Bak didn't break out in hives, but instead pulled a nonchalant face to show that he didn't care, to save face.

Sin had an idea of how Bak was feeling, but she didn't address it. Instead, she turned back to the phone, "I'll be a minute. Sorry, Chief."

"That's fine."

Sin turned to Bak, "Did you want to see me?"

"Yeah." The Asia Branch Head glanced at the phone, not really caring that Komui was on the line. "I found an instructor for you."

"An instructor?" Sin quizzed. "For fighting?"

"Yes. Since For's being used to help regain Walker's Innocence, it took me a while to find someone." Bak rubbed his neck, "They're here now, so you can go train with them."

Sin now looked at Bak in a new light. How considerate of him!

"Thank you, Branch Head!" Sin beamed. "I'll be right there, so just tell them to wait a little bit."

"Alright. They'll be in the sparring hall." Bak did a small wave before leaving.

Sin pressed the phone to her ear, "Chief Komui, what were you saying earlier?"

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