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.Twelve months earlier.

.Beca's point of view.

With mixed feelings I'm in the car. The music of my favorite band, Fifth Harmony, echoes through my iPod-earphones. My sister, Hayley, is sitting on the passenger seat next to my father. My father wanted me to sit there, but I refused. I don't want to sit next to the man who killed her. The fights were bad enough, but he went on until it went wrong. Hayley was at school and I was just at home, when I found her. She was everything to me and because of him, she died. I didn't saw him doing it and I don't know what happened, but I do know that he has beaten her every day. He kept me up every night because of his violence. I heard my mother scream in pain and saw bruises on her arms and legs. Sometimes I managed to save my mother one day without violence, but the day after he hit her worse, so I stopped. I responded my frustrations on everyone at school. Angry, because I couldn't do anything to help my mother. Angry, because my mother, despite everything, still loved him. I managed to fail on every test I had, to fail for every exam and to be kicked out of school within two months. My mother tried to support me, but failed because of him. Every day she was getting gloomier and didn't laugh as much as she did. She became more and more a stranger, not only for me, but also for Hayley. Hayley was more with me than with our parents. My mother deteriorated increasingly, was depressed and sometimes I wished she had killed herself. I know it's terrible to say about your own mother, but that was the only way to get rid of the pain. Honestly, I think she had that idea in her head for a long time, but never did it because of Hayley and me. We were everything for her and she wanted to protect us from everything. I concentrate myself on the music, while I read the sign 'Atlanta'. I hate my father with every bone in my body for everything he did to my mother, but most of all for moving. We built a future in Los Angeles, Hayley enjoyed school there, I played soccer and our mothers grave lies there. How are we suppose to visit that now?

,,Come on, girls. We can build our future here to. Atlanta isn't that bad."

,,Don't talk to me!" I snarl at him.

,,I've signed you up for the new school year at Barden University. What I've read about this school... I think you're going to like that school."

,,I can make my own choices, I'm not a child anymore!"

,,Do not speak to me with such a big mouth, young lady!"

,,Why not? You think you can decide everything for me, but I'm old enough to make my own choices!"

,,As long as you're not eighteen, you have to do what I say. You are living under my roof, so you have to follow my rules!"

,,Whatever." That's the last thing I say before I put my earphones back in.

Not long after our fight in the car, we arrive at the house we must call 'home'. I look at the place and it isn't that bad, but still, it is far from 'home'. I don't think I'm going to like it here. Living with somebody I hate, taking care of my sister, going to a school I never read about... why does he have to do this to me? He has taken away the person I loved most. A life without motherly advice, how can I survive that? Everybody needs a mother right? Well, I had a mother for the last seventeen, almost eighteen years and the times we had were amazing...

,,Our new home." My father says while opening the front door, but I can only look around. On the outside it looked not bad, but on the inside... it looks like my grandmothers house. Old furniture, yellow walls (because the previous owner probably smoked) and it smells like someone died in here. Not the smell I want to smell. It remind me of her.

,,Wow, did you buy this house on sale, just to save it from demolition?"

,,Hold your tongue, Beca. I'm pretty sure you're going to love your bedroom."

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