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.Beca's point of view.

The weekend went much faster than I wanted and now we're back at Barden, the creepy messages are back. Chloe still doesn't know and I rather want to keep it that way. She has a lot on her mind lately and she doesn't need to worry more. I just need to figure out who's threatening me, but how am I going to do that? This school is huge and there's only one weirdo who send me those messages. Chloe is with Aubrey now to work for the Bella's, so I'm waiting for Jesse to turn up.

,,Yo Becs." I hear and turn around to face Jesse.

,,You're late."

,,I'm sorry, I got caught up on the way. Why did you wanted to see me?" I grab his hand and pull him with me through the halls. I walk straight on, ignore everyone I'm seeing and go into the janitor's closet. ,,Wow, I'm sorry Becs, but I'm not going to make out with you. You have a girlfriend, remember."

,,It's not about that, you moron!" I yell, because I'm angry about his comment. As if I could ever cheat on Chloe, what is he thinking!

,,No need to scold. I was just kidding, but why are you so tense?" I sigh and lean against the wall.

,,That's because of this." I show him my phone with the creepy messages.

,,Someone's threatens you?!"

,,Yeah and I don't know who."

,,Does Chloe know?"

,,No and she can not know about this! She has a lot on her mind and I don't want her to worry about me. So, better keep your mouth shut, Swanson!"

,,I'm not going to tell Chloe, that's up to you. Still, I think you should tell her."

,,Are you deaf? I just told you that I don't want to tell her. I know Chloe and she'll be worry way much more than you do right now."

,,Okay, so what's your plan? You want to find him right?"

,,Who said it's a guy, it can also be a girl."

,,No way, this messages are coming from someone who's into your girlfriend. He or she wants her and you're in the way."

,,You really think so?"

,,It's obvious, now what's your plan?"

,,I have no idea. I need a plan, without Chloe finds out. She cares about me a lot and I don't want her to stress about me. I need to protect her." We startle by the voice of Chloe, who's calling my name.

,,Your princess is looking for you." Jesse gives me a wink and I start laughing. ,,We'll figure something out and don't worry, this is our secret."

,,Thank you Jesse." I give him a hug and open the janitor's closet. Chloe sees me and run towards me, only for me to catch her in my arms.

,,Where were you? I've looked for you everywhere." She says and kiss me passionately.

,,Sorry, I had to discuss something with Jesse." Chloe gets off of me and look at Jesse.

,,That business was in the janitor's closet?"

,,No, but it was the only private place in the school at this moment." What the hell is he doing? Now it sounds like I'm cheating on her with him!

,,Private huh?" Chloe turns back to me with a questioning look.

,,I have to go to class and you guys need to go too. You know how miss McClain can be on Monday mornings. You don't want to be late." I nod and he walks away.

,,Is there something you want to tell me?" Chloe asks me and I just shake my head. Quickly I walk further, before I get more questions. I can't tell Chloe about the messages, she will be heartbroken.

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