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.Beca's point of view.
,,Beca, wake up." I open my eyes and sigh a little. I wanted to lie down here for the rest of the day. I don't hate it at Barden, but I don't like it either. Chloe is okay, but even now that she has my number, she doesn't even text. I'm disappointed by that, I don't know why tho. ,,Why aren't you on your way to Barden? Don't you have Philosophy class?"

,,Well, I'm posing an important philosophical question." And I sit up. ,,If I don't actually go to that class, will it still suck?" Now my dad's the one who sigh.

,,Look honey. College is... it's great." I roll my eyes and go out of bed. I walk to my closet while my father continues. ,,You get to create memories there, you just have to give it a chance."

,,I didn't wanted to be here in the first place, remember. You forced me."

,,How long have you've been here? One day?" I nod. ,,Do you made any friends?"

,,It's not that easy! How am I suppose to be friends with anyone while I'm hiding a huge secret? A secret I can't tell anybody, because of you. I know what you've done to mom and I hate you for it."

,,That's not your secret to tell!" I startle about the way he's raising his voice. ,,And we were talking about your college. You gotta get out there, Bec."

,,Don't call me that! You've lost that right, it's Beca for you!"

,,Fine. Beca, you gotta try something."

,,I got a job at the university radio station."

,,Really? That place? According to the flyer it's dark and dirty there and has those three weirdo's who work there."

,,Well, four now." I point to myself, while grabbing my clothes.

,,You gotta try something new, Beca."

,,Why should I? I'm happy with my job at the station."

,,Yeah, but you can't be busy with music all the time."

,,That's not up to you to decide."

,,Join one club on campus." Just when I'm about to ask why, he continues. ,,And if, at the end of a year, you still don't want to be there, you still want to go off to LA and be P. Diddy, well then you can quit college." Surprisingly I look at him. ,,And I will help you move to LA."


,,Yes, seriously. But I really need to see it, Beca. You're in college, join in." And that's the last thing he says before walking out my room. Ugh, fine. I need to join one club on campus otherwise I'm not going to LA. I get dressed and look at myself in the mirror. This looks okay. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I grab it to see who's texting.

Chloe: Good morning, Becs. 😘 Did you sleep well?

Beca: Let the 'good' away. 😒

Chloe: Bad dream?

Beca: No, it's just my dad. He's whining again. 😒

Chloe: Well, maybe I can cheer you up? Are you on your way?

Beca: I'm not, because you're texting me. 😂

Chloe: Are you always this grumpy in the morning?

Beca: You'll never know 😉. Why are you so happy btw?

Chloe: I had a good night thinking about you. 😊

Beca: Oh really? 😏

Chloe: Ha ha, you wish 😉. Hurry up, I can't wait to see you! 😘

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