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I don't know exactly when I had fallen asleep when the buzzing sound of my phone pulls me out of my slumber. I try to reach over to grab my phone, when I realize I can't move. I feel a weight on my chest, my limbs are a little numb and heat is going through my body. Because I'm still in my tired state, I'm confused and concern. It feels like I can't breath at all. Suddenly my mind register a warm breath gently hitting my neck and it clicks. Beca! The weight is just her body that's wrapped up in mine and because of our arms and legs are tangled into each other, I really can't tell which limbs are mine. Directly I meet her sweet scent, a mix of grapefruit and vanilla. I open my eyes. I know moving is difficult now, so I turn my head the best I can to see the time on my alarm clock. 08:30. I hate to wake her, but I need to if I want to move again.

,,Beca?" I try wake her up gently, but I get no response at all. ,,Beca." I say again, but a little louder this time and brush back the hair that's draped across her face. My touch makes her eyes flicker open, but she close them again.

,,Hmm?" She hums into my neck. I'm not sure if she's awake or just responding in her sleep.

,,You need to wake up."

,,Mm-hmm." It sounds like she's agreeing to what I'm saying, but instead of opening her eyes, Beca nuzzle her head deeper into my neck. I didn't know Beca was such a cuddling person, it's adorable!

,,Becs, Stacie's probably wondering where you are."

,,Let her wonder." She says sleepily, her lips graze against my neck. My mind has thoughts of it's own and right now it's wondering how it feels if Beca kisses my neck.

,,If you don't go back, Tom's going to find you in here and that will be the end of nights like this." Beca groans and stir a little in my arms. She opens her eyes and pulls away slightly. I shift beneath her awkwardly. The most of my body is completely numb from lack of blood flow right now. ,,Last night was really nice, but now I can't feel my arm at all. Can you please move?" Without saying anything Beca slowly untangled herself from me and lay on her side. We are lying face to face and our eyes immediately connects.

,,Hi." She say to me with a raspy voice.

,,Hi." I reply, while trying myself from smiling. Beca looks at me intimately.

,,You're pretty." I start laughing. ,,What?"

,,I take that as a compliment if we weren't lying in the dark and you could actually see me."

,,But Chlo, you're so pretty that I can see it even when it's dark." My stomach flutter. Suddenly she race up her hand. What is she about to do? She brings her hand to my hair and push it back from my face. Gently she lace her fingers through my hair, which brings tingles over my entire body. Right now I have the urge to kiss her. My eyes flicker down to her lips, just in time to see her wet them with her tongue. That means she wants to kiss me too right? I start to lean in and her lips begin to part a little. Is this really going to happen? At this moment everything around me feels intensified in a way I have never experienced before. The sound of my heart pounds in my chest. The way she grabs the back of my neck, the goosebumps on my arms, the knock on the door. Wait! Knock on the door? The sound of knocking rips us both from the moment we are having. Beca let out a groan and lies back on her back.

,,Chlo?" I startle and so does Beca. ,,Chlo honey, are you in there?" I get up quickly.

,,Yeah, one minute." I yell and look at Beca in panic. She can't leave the room right now, not with Tom behind that door. ,,Becs, you need to hide."

,,Where?" We look around.

,,Under the bed, hurry!" I say and Beca does what I tell her. Quickly I put on my morning coat and when I know that Beca's under the bed safely, I open the door to reveal Tom.

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