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.Chloe's point of view.

The last time I was out with friends was a week ago. I just can't have fun now Beca is gone. Aubrey texted me that I have to find a new lover, but I can't do that. The only one that I loved was Beca and God took her away. Hayley gave me a CD with songs from Beca on it, but I haven't listened to it. How can I listen to her voice while she can't barge in like she use to? I've heard her song "I don't wanna miss a thing", but before the song started, I heard her voice saying that the song was for me... Well, I started crying right away. Her song "I don't wanna miss a thing" is a really great song, so I can't help to miss her. My phone goes off and I see a bunch of messages. Yes, I've been ignoring most people, except Hayley. Hayley needs me and I need her.

Emily 🐱: Chloe, you need to have fun. Go out with me and a few friends. Plss, I'm worried about you and you're health.

Amy 🥊: Chlo, I miss short shank too, but Beca wouldn't want you to lock yourself out and don't have any fun. Emily, Jesse, Stacie and I are going out to a party... come with us.

Matthew 🎮: Hi sis, I want you to call me. I know it's hard without Beca, but you can't go on like this. You're shutting people out who cares about you.

Bella 🏇: I totally understand that you're mad at me, but I meant it. Not what I said about Beca of course, she was an angel, but I only said those things because I care about you.

I don't understand them. Bella went way too far and she expect me to forgive her that easily? She told me that Beca didn't love me, otherwise she would've trusted me with the messages, but I don't blame Beca for hiding that awful event. Tom is the one who needs punishment, not Beca. How can Bella even think about Beca that way? She loved her and told her thousand times that she's the one for me and now she tells me this? I throw my pillow to the door in frustration, who hits Aubrey in her face. I didn't know she was in here.

,,Hey! I know you are sad about Beca, but don't blame the pillow." She says jokingly, but I just give her a weak smile. ,,How are you?"

,,After the fact that I have lost the love of my life, good I guess."

,,No you're not okay. Chlo, you need to let her go."

,,I know!" I yell while crying. ,,But I can't!" She put her arms around me and holds me close.

,,You need to try, because Beca's not coming back. She was needed in heaven for a special mission for God." I pull up my eyebrow. I know Aubrey believes in God, Jesus and everything, but that's just weird. I don't react to that weird comment, but only ask her if she has seen Hayley.

,,Yes, she is in the hallway talking to a girl."

,,I'm going to find her. I need to look after her."

,,You know you don't have to?"

,,Yes I do, I promised Beca that I would take care of her and I will keep my promise! Hayley was the most important person for Beca and I can't let her down."

,,Who? Beca or Hayley?"

,,Both." I sigh. ,,Look, I know you just want to look after me, but I'll be fine. I made a promise to Beca and I'm going to keep that promise. If Beca's looking down upon me, I want her to be proud of me."

,,She's very proud of you. You can be drunk or use drugs, but that doesn't matter. Beca loved you and she's proud of you wherever she is." A tear escape my eye, while nodding speechless and walking out of the door.

When I'm in the hallway, were Hayley is indeed talking to a girl, I wait for a second. I haven't seen her laugh at anything after Beca's funeral. Suddenly I see Tom approach and Hayley tensing up, so I don't doubt and walk towards the two. Tom notice me and a happy smile appears on his face. Hayley on the other hand isn't too happy that Tom's next to her. Unbelievable, she still thinks Tom had something to do with Beca's dead?! I roll my eyes and lock them with Tom.

,,Hi." I start and immediately he pulls me in a hug.

,,Chlo, what nice to see you. I was worried so much." He tells me and when he releases himself from the hug, he goes on. ,,How are you? Have you been able to process it all?"

,,Process? Tom, this isn't a small thing. I need way more time to process all what has happened."

,,I didn't mean it in a bad way. I care about you a lot."

,,You care about her too much, she's Beca's girlfriend!" Hayley yells and I startle a little from her reaction. Tom turns towards her and his face changes.

,,You need to stay calm or you're going after your dear sister!" he threaten her. ,,I know you can't protect yourself, you always needed Beca to avenge you. Why tho? Are you worthless? Stupid? Or just desperate?" Hayley slowly looks down and don't say anything anymore. Wait, does she believes him? Does she really thinks she's worthless, stupid or desperate? I need to say something!

,,Tom!" I yell. ,,Don't say such things to my sister-in-law! You may not like her, but she don't deserve this kind of treatment."

,,Anyway," He's going to ignore the hurt in Hayley's eyes? ,,are you going out tonight?"

,,Maybe I am, why?"

,,Because of the party Jeremy's giving. I would love to see you there." Just as I want to say 'no', I hear my answer from behind me.

,,Yes, she's going with us." Stacie!

.Hayley's point of view.

So Chloe's going to the party tonight? Isn't she thinking about Beca at all? How can she enjoy a party without my sister?! I'm feeling sad and mad at the same time. I really feel that Tom's responsible for Beca's dead and I want to find out, but Chloe doesn't want to believe me. I really want to send Beca's song "I promise you" to the management of Selena Gomez. Even tho Beca wrote that song for Chloe, somebody needs to sing and record it and I know Beca loved Selena. But I need to know how Chloe feels about the song, I know that Chloe's opinion meant everything to Beca, so I need her approval before I send it. Chloe needs to stop blaming herself for the accident first otherwise it will kill her self conciousness, because it wasn't her fault.

,,I guess I'll see you there." Chloe says to Tom and he gives her one last hug, before disappearing.

,,What the heck?!" I yell to Chloe.

,,Hayley, I can't lock myself up all the time."

,,I know, but going on a date with Tom is low. Think about Beca."

,,Beca's gone!" Stacie yells at me.

,,No she isn't. She's still in my heart and I know for sure she doesn't like it when Chloe goes on a date with her ex-boyfriend."

,,Hayley, I don't go on a date with Tom. I love Beca and even if I fall in love again with someone new, it can never be the way I loved her! What your sister and I had was real love, it was for eternity."

,,You're going to a party. How can you know you're not going to get drunk and have sex with him?"

,,Because Stacie, Amy, Emily and Jesse are with me. They keep me out of trouble and I won't even drink that much."

,,Do you promise not to flirt with Tom or kiss him?"

,,Of course I promise. I won't cheat on Beca, even she isn't here anymore. Beca is the only one who has my heart. Nobody can replace her!"

,,Okay fine, go and have fun."

,,Are you coming with us?"

,,No, I'm going to bed. I'm tired as hell."

,,Sleep tight and don't worry, there's nothing going to happen between Tom and I." I nod, give her a hug and walk back to our dormroom. I really hope she'll keep her promise, because if she decide to have sex with Tom, I'll hate her forever!

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