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.Beca's point of view.

The girls, Chloe and I are on our way to Hyper Jump cafeteria. It's our second time we're going and we want to go every Friday after school. Chloe and I are dating for a couple of weeks now, but it feels like we've been in this relationship for years. The trust we have for each other... I never could've believed that I could feel this way for a person.

,,Let's go celebrate our victory!" Stacie yells and put her hands on my shoulders, while jumping.

,,Yeah, we did great guys." I say and the other girls look at me with a weird look. ,,What?"

,,I didn't think you'll be so dedicated to acapella." Aubrey looks at me.

,,Ow shut up, I've helped you to a high level. You should be thankful."

,,All that matters is that huge trophy."

,,Well, you got that trophy right? So let's just celebrate okay?" Chloe grabs my hand and squeeze it. We get into the diner and sit down at the back. Chloe next to me of course.

,,So you two are finally together huh?" Amy looks at Chloe and me.

,,Yeah, she asked me – wait, finally?" Chloe ask surprisingly.

,,Come on, from the moment you guys met is there this tension between you two. It's obviously."

,,Obviously? Why didn't Tom noticed it before huh?"

,,Because Tom is an idiot." Stacie say and Cynthia-Rose give her a high five. I agree with her, but don't say it. Chloe and Tom are still friends. I don't know why, but they are.

,,He isn't an idiot. He's always been sweet to me and careful."

,,Ow wow." Stacie says and looks at me.

,,What?" Chloe asks and I can hear confusion in her voice. Yeah, it hurts when Chloe talks about Tom like this, but I have to trust her right?

,,You talk about Tom as if it isn't over between the two of you." Jessica pull up one eyebrow.

,,Well, Tom was my boyfriend and we are close -" Chloe get interrupted by Ashley who sees my face. I can't help it, every time Chloe's talking about Tom this way, I get sad and scared. Scared that she goes back to him and dump me.

,,I think it's better if you stop talking about Tom."

,,Yeah, some people don't like that." Amy says and points out unnoticed to me. Well, she thinks I haven't seen it, but I did. Great, now Chloe's going to be mad at me. She's going to think that I don't trust her. Before Chloe's eyes can find me, I look away and notice Jesse and Benji.

,,I have to talk to Jesse about something." I say quickly, stand up and basically run to my best friend.

,,Wow, take it easy." He says when I almost bump into him.

,,I'm sorry, but I had to get away from them for a few minutes."

,,Why the long face? You won right?" Benji looks at me and I just nod.

,,This is about something else. It doesn't matter, I just needed to be away."

,,It's okay." Jesse says. ,,Hey, do you want a drink?"

,,Yeah, I'm thirsty as hell."

,,Why didn't you drink with the Bella's?" Benji asks me and he's trying to figure things out, but I keep my mouth shut. He doesn't need to know.

,,What drink do you want?" Jesse asks me, while pulling out his wallet.

,,I don't care, pick one okay?!" I practically yell and he backs away for a second. ,,Look I'm sorry Jesse, but I'm not in a good mood."

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