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.Beca's point of view.

.Four months later.
Today Chloe, her family and I are camping. It was an idea from John, Chloe's father. He wanted to bond, but the fact that Chloe and I are still together is bonding right? Isabella is sitting next to Chloe and Matthew next to me. We've talked about sports, games and a lot of other stuff, but I'm not in this moment with my thoughts. For the last two weeks I've received creepy messages from an unknown number who's threatening me. I haven't told Chloe about the messages, because I don't want her to worry about me. It's only a few threats, so I don't take it very seriously. I haven't received a message tonight tho, they only comes when I'm at Barden. It's way to obviously that it's Tom. He wants Chloe back and I'm in the way. I'm having a great time with Chloe at my side. The campfire burns and everybody talks. We are roosting some marshmallow's and Matthew just burned one.

,,You're not a regular camper huh?" I question him.

,,Well, are you? I can use some tips."

,,I'm not, but everybody knows that you don't need to burn marshmallow's. You have to eat them."

,,No way miss obvious!" He yells while he laughs and push me slightly against my shoulder.

,,So who's going to share tents together?"

,,Well, it's obvious that Chloe and Beca are sharing one." Cindy says and give us a wink. Chloe hides her head immediately in my neck after that, but I don't care. I know I want to share a tent with my girlfriend, so I'm not embarrassed. I put my arms protectively around her, just like she did that morning where Stacie tortured us.

,,You are damn right I'm sharing with my girlfriend." I say and Chloe's family starts laughing.

,,What can we do right now? I'm bored." I look at Isabella.

,,We can play some games." Matthew says.

,,What kind of games son?" John asks him, while holding Cindy in his arms.

,,I don't know, it's too quiet here anyway. Maybe we can go swimming?"

,,Swimming? We're in the middle of nowhere!" Yells Isabella and holds up her phone. ,,I don't have any signal here!" That gives me a really good feeling. No signal... that means no creepy messages or phone calls.

,,This is a family arrangement, so you don't need a signal." Cindy tells Isabella.

,,Matt, did you've seen a lake or something?" Chloe asks, while resting her head on my shoulder now.

,,Yeah, not far from here there's a lake."

,,Do you really think I'm going to swim naked?" Isabella stands up angry. ,,No way!"

,,What are you afraid of? It's only us and it's dark soon anyway."

,,I don't care Matt, I'm not going to swim."

,,Maybe we can do a game by the campfire." Cindy says and opens her bag. ,,That reminds me, I have smoothies for all of you." Immediately my mind goes to a couple of months ago. The smoothie who gave me an attack. I feel Chloe stiffens too. It's hard for her to forget those event.

,,Where did you buy those smoothies?" Chloe asks her mother.

,,Hyper Jump, why?"

,,I had a really bad experience with one of those smoothies." I explain. ,,Which one did you bring for us?"

,,I've brought a Strawberry banana smoothie, a kiwi mango smoothie, a blueberry apple smoothie, a raspberry pear smoothie, a white drapes apple smoothie and a strawberry pineapple smoothie. I didn't know which one you liked, so you can choose."

,,Do you know what kind of ingredients are put in every smoothie?"

,,No, why are you asking? Don't you like smoothies?"

,,I do, but I'm allergic to nuts."

,,Well, there all fruit smoothies. So no problem at all right?"

,,Mom, there are nuts in the strawberry pineapple smoothie. I would not be surprised if it were in the other one's too." Says Chloe with an annoying voice.

,,Darling, I didn't know about Beca's allergy. She never told us until now, we can't risk her having an attack right here."

,,Did you bring other drinks?" Matthew asks with hope in his voice.

,,No liquor, if you ever thought so. I have a bottle of coke light," Cindy looks at me. ,,do you want that one?"

,,Yes please, I'm really sorry but I'm not going to risk an attack. The last time I gave Chloe almost a heart attack and almost died myself, so I'm taking it easy tonight."

,,A wise choice Beca," John says and hand me the bottle. ,,and there's nothing lost, because I have marshmallow's!" Matthew jumps happily up and down.

,,Let's eat some marshmallow's!" He grabs the bag and not long after that we're sitting close to each other, roosting marshmallow's.

.Chloe's point of view.

,,I hate marshmallow's!" I say annoyed and grab my burned marshmallow from my stick and put it down on the ground. Beca laughs at me and put her hand on my thigh.

,,So Beca," my father asks suddenly. ,,you never told us about your family. Are you close with them?" There he goes, the most difficult subject, at least for Beca.

,,I'm very close to my little sister Hayley. My parents not so much lately."

,,That's a shame. Are they divorced?"

,,No, that's not it. My dad – well, he's not really my number one in my life. Believe it or not, but Chloe is."

,,You put Chloe above your parents?" Isabella drops her marshmallow.

,,Well yeah, your sister is amazing and I love her so much."

,,Do you have a huge fight with your parents?" Why are my parents interested in that? I don't know if they should know about Beca's father and I think it's only fair that Beca tells them about that when she wants to, not when they asks her about it.

,,Mom, please." I almost beg. ,,Don't embarrass her."

,,We are not trying to make you feel uncomfortable Beca, we're just curious. You know a lot about us and we want to get to know you, that's all."

,,I really appreciate that John and Cindy, but I'm not ready to tell yet. When I'm ready, you'll be the first – ow, wait – second one to know."

,,Who's the first?" Matthew looks at my girlfriend with hope in his eyes.

,,Chloe of course, she's my girlfriend duh!" Isabella starts laughing and throws a marshmallow to his head.

,,So Beca," my mom looks over to her. ,,Do you have more songs you like to share?"

,,Not that I know, the last time was because Isabella forced me."

,,Hey, you did get some action after it right?" Isabella have no idea what happened afterwards.

,,No such talk around the fire." My dad says. Thank you!

,,I'm sorry dad." She says, which makes Beca laughs. That night is still in my head tho. We were both ready and I'm honored to be the one who toke her virginity. After Tom, I really needed someone with whom I could be myself. Sex with Tom was never special anymore, but with Beca it was a whole new experience. I never thought I could feel like that.

,,Well, there's one song I really want to play in front of Chloe, but I don't have a guitar with me."

,,That's too bad, because you have a lovely voice."

,,Thank you, Matthew." Aw, she gets nervous when somebody gives her compliments. To other Bella's she might come off as a bitch, but with us she's nothing like that. With us she's herself and I love every bit of her, because every time we touch I just can't get enough. I'm just so in love with Beca and I never want to lose her! 

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