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.Chloe's point of view.

Today is going to be the toughest day in my whole life; I have to bury the love of my life. Hayley, Aubrey, Jesse, Amy and everyone who cared about Beca are here too, but I'm not in the room yet. I'm freaking out, because in the room there's a coffin with the dead body of Beca inside. The coffin is and stays closed, because Hayley and I can't handle to see her like that. Jordan, the best friend of Beca is here too with Emma, Elijah, Austin and Lucy. Jordan told me that Beca and he separated because of a fight and a half hour ago, I heard him talking to the coffin. Telling Beca how sorry he was for everything and it broke my heart. The last thing Beca and I did, where arguing. We didn't make it up, so she died with the thought that I didn't trust her. I hate myself for thinking that she was cheating on me. Jesse is Beca's best friend, I could've known they didn't cheat on me with each other. A knock on the door break my thoughts.

,,Come in." I can barely get out of my mouth. Hayley steps inside of the room.

,,Do you have a minute? I know something about the accident what you need to know."

,,I have to bury Beca, I don't want to know anything about the accident that killed her."

,,But Chloe, it wasn't -" I don't let Hayley finish that sentence.

,,Hayley please." She sighs and stop talking about the accident.

,,Okay fine, suit yourself. I came in here also to let you know that everybody is here. We can start, but only if you're ready to."

,,I'm not ready, I'm going to bury the love of my life. But I know that I have too, Beca deserve an honorable funeral. She was so strong and now she's gone." And I can't stop myself from crying. Hayley rush towards me and pulls me into a comforting hug.

,,I know what you mean. Beca and I fought a lot when we were kids, but we were really close the last years. She always took care of me and now I only have my father."

,,Do you really think I let you live with your father? I made a promise to Beca." She goes out of my arms and look over to me with a confused look.

,,What do you mean?"

,,I had to make a promise to Beca. She told me how much you meant to her and that she didn't want you to live with your father anymore, so that's why you're staying with me."

,,I don't even go to Barden University."

,,Well, I've talked to the principle and she agreed. I had to beg a little, but when I told her that it was Beca's last wish - well, she couldn't say no."

,,Do you have a big room?"

,,Big enough for three."


,,Yeah, Aubrey's staying with us. She's my best friend and I couldn't kick her out."

,,You don't have to do this, Chloe. I know you loved my sister very much, but I can't let you throw away your life for me."

,,I insist and by the way, you don't have a choice."

,,Why not?"

,,Because you don't want Beca to be mad at you. She's in your heart right?" Hayley nods. ,,Then she will know if you're still with your father."

,,You are really smart Chloe and thank you for taking me away from him. All I have to do is pack my things."

,,That's something for later, now we have to bury Beca." Hayley grabs my hand and together we walk into the room, where the coffin is with Beca in it.

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