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.Chloe's point of view.

.One month and two weeks later.

For the last month Hayley hasn't contacted me at all. She lives with Rhys temporaly and I don't blame her. I'm mad at myself too. How could I have sex with Tom and why can't I remember? The last time I saw Hayley at Barden was two weeks ago when I saw her talking to some people who where at the party to. I need to focus on myself tho. At the beginning of last week I had to have my period, but I haven't had it until now. Aubrey convinsed me to do a pregnancy test, because I'm a week overdue now, but I didn't wanted to hear any of that. But I have to, because the last week I feel more sick than ever. It can be a flew, but that wouldn't explain why I am overdue. To be absolutely sure, I bought two pregnancy tests. One normal where stripes will tell you if you're pregnant or not and one clear blue, just to be sure how long I'm pregnant already. I'm really scared that I am pregnant, because that will mean that Tom is the father and that he will become a part in my life again! I'm scared that my feelings are right. The last week I've noticed symptomes (my breasts have become a bit bigger and are extremely sensitive, I'm way more exhausted after class, everything I eat taste a little different and every morning I'm feeling sick and sometimes I throw up the moment I wake up), what could mean that I am pregnant. There aren't any more symptomes of early pregnancy, I according to all of that, the tests are going to be positive. If I'm pregnant, I need to tell Hayley. She will be furious, but she deserves to know. I still have no clue what happened at the party, but right now this is more important. I put the clear blue on the magazine, that Aubrey and I always read in here to kill time, after I used it properly and stand against the wall. I can't look at it. I don't know how I'm going to react when I'm really pregnant and how I would tell Tom... he's the father, but he told me he didn't wanted to see me again. How can I tell him he's going to be a father when he doesn't want to see me. About one thing I'm certain. The child will be named after Beca. This waiting is killing me, I just want to know, so I can be prepared. I close my eyes and sigh deeply. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrating and look at the screen.

Matthew 🎮: Little sister, how are you today?

Chloe 🌞: I honestly don't know. I'm nervous I guess...

Bella 🏇: Well, that's something new. Why are you nervous?

Chloe 🌞: Hayley's going to kill me if it's true! 😭

Matthew 🎮: Why would she do that? 😲 And if what's true?

Bella 🏇: Wait, are you really crying right now?

Chloe 🌞: I fucked up, I really did and Hayley has every right to be mad at me!! 😭

Matthew or Isabella don't reply, but Isabella calls me right away. I know I need to look at the test, but I'm afraid. I can't be pregnant...

Chlo, why are you crying? What's wrong? Isabella ask me when I pick up the phone.

Because I fucked up!

What happened?

One month and two weeks ago, I went to a party with Jesse, Amy, Stacie and Emily...

You had a little fun, nothing bad about that right?

No, but what I did was wrong... I had sex with Tom!

You did what?!

I wasn't drunk or something, I just can't remember anything.

How's that possible? You drank right?

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