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.Hayley's point of view.
.Two months later.

It's really frustrating that we still don't know where Beca is. Jeremiah told me that it's difficult, but I had hoped to know the location by now. Chloe's belly have been growing, which make sense, because she's five months pregnant. Chloe went to Tom last week and I'm glad I was with them...

,,Tom?" Chloe ask and he turns around.
,,Chloe, what good to see you? How's the pregnancy going?"
,,That's none of your business! I need to talk to you."
,,About what?"
,,Beca." As soon as Chloe says her name, he looks angry and smirks. ,,I know she's still alive. Where is she?"
,,You're really stupid if you think I will tell you, Chloe."
,,Okay, why don't you tell me what happened? The fire and the accident."
,,Fine, I'll tell you." Chloe cross her arms and wait until Tom goes further. ,,I told her to go to the abyss, she crashed down and was unconsious immediately. I pulled her out of the car and Nick put his sisters body in the car, he set her on fire when they had an argument, so it was easy, because of the fact that she was already burned nobody could identify her or arrest Nick. Together with Nick I set up the plan you had to see. I put the ID of Beca in his sisters lap and the necklace in her hand. Ryan, who also works for me, poured a lot of terpetine over the body and locked the door, so nobody could get in or out. We poured gasoline over the car and lit up three matches and throw them into the car. We didn't have to wait long before the whole car was covered with fire. We ran away and took Beca back to our hiding place, where Jeremiah already waited to bring her back to her room. I waited for fourty-five minutes before coming back to the edge, where I saw you. I recorded everything, also the moment you said "Beca is really dead" after the police gave you her ID. That really did it Chloe, thank you for that because that was the moment Beca stopped fighting."
,,You really are a dick!" Yells Chloe and I see the tears going down over her cheeks. ,,You tried to kill the only one I love and want a future with!"
,,Don't you understand? Everything was planned. If Beca finds out that you're pregnant from me, the future you're imagining is over and you know it!"
,,You fucking drugged and raped me. If Beca finds out and knows that, she will forgive me because I couldn't stop you."
,,Are you sure about that?" I haven't seen Chloe so sad before, because the future Beca and Chloe wanted is gone and Chloe knows it.
,,No, but I'm sure about something else!" She steps forward and hit him against his cheek. ,,I never want to see you again and don't think I'll let you a part of our child's life, I'm raising the child alone and if you come nearby the child, I'll go to the police!" 

That was the last thing Chloe said before storming away, while pulling me with her. I'm really happy that the other bella's finally believes us and that they all want to help us free Beca, but we can't do anything if we don't know where she is. We also have other things to think about of course. Chloe needs an apartment, where she can live with her child. I really want to send Jeremiah a message, but I don't want him to be in danger. I just wish we could have rescued her already. Rhys can't help us for this whole week, because he's away with his family. I sigh and fall back on my pillow. Suddenly my phone gives a beep and I know that means that I have a Whatsapp-message. Could it be Jeremiah with the location? Or will it be Tom to let me know that he knows about our collaboration? Carefully I grab my phone and unlock it. It's a message from Jeremiah!

Jeremiah 🕴: I just wanted to send you this.

(A/N: I had to make this to show you what Jeremiah send Hayley)

She's really good. I'm trying to get out with her now. Beca was almost captured by Nick, but I killed him, before he could reach her. 

The blue-eyed girlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora