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.Beca's point of view.

I'm sitting on the porch of my father's house. I know he's not at home and I'm happy about that. I don't want to speak to him or even see him. The reason that I'm here is because of Hayley. I've contacted her about my situation with Chloe. Since our differences we haven't spoken to each other for a month now and the silence is killing me. Not long ago I wanted to talk to her, but I saw her on the beach with Brody, hand in hand. Is she done with me? I can't recall breaking up with her, so technically she's still my girlfriend. Why is she holding hands with Brody if I'm her girlfriend? Does she wants to make me jealous?

,,Beca? What are you doing here?" I look up to see Hayley with tears in my eyes. ,,What's wrong?"

,,Chloe's with Brody."

,,What?!" Immediately Hayley sit next to me and put her arms around my shoulders. ,,Why would she do something like that?"

,,We haven't spoken since a month ago."

,,Yeah about that, why are you fighting with her? I thought you loved her."

,,I do love her and that's why I'm pushing her away."

,,I don't get it, you said that you wanted to marry her someday. What has changed?"

,,This." I grab my phone and show her all the messages I received from Tom. Yeah, thanks to Jesse I finally know that Tom's my stalker. He's after me and if I can stop him from hurting Chloe by turning myself in, than I will do that.

,,Beca, this isn't legal. He's threatening you!"

,,I know but what can I do? Chloe's with Brody now and she seems happy."

,,You know she's not happy with Brody. She wants you."

,,I saw her hugging with Tom last month and after that she's with Brody all the time."

,,Becs, I see her crying everyday and I know that's because of you. The fight between you two is killing her, just like it's killing you."

,,I don't know what to do, it's scary that Tom can message me like that."

,,You have to tell Chloe and turn Tom in."

,,No, I can't do that!"

,,Why not?" My eyes fill themselves with tears.

,,Because if I tell anybody, he kills Chloe!" I yell and start crying really hard. Hayley pulls me against her and hold me into an embrace. I need to do something, before Tom kills Chloe.

.Chloe's point of view.

,,I'm sorry, but you can't hold my hand." I tell Brody after a while.

,,I hold your hand for an hour already, what's the problem?"

,,We're not together. I don't love you."

,,I know that we're just friends, but I do not see why friends can not hold each other's hand."

,,But what if Beca shows up? She will see me holding hands with you and think we're together." Brody looks around.

,,Do you see Beca around?"

,,No, but I can't hold hands with you. I'm sorry Brody."

,,You're loyal to Beca, but isn't she the one who's been lying to you? You know she's with Jesse everyday and you're still guessing about the secrecy."

,,I can't force her to tell me and yes I've noticed the way Beca and Jesse are, but I can't do something about her. They're legal to hang out with each other."

,,You need to get through to her, she has to tell you."

,,Believe me, I would like to know what's going on with her, but again I can not force her."

,,You're crazy! If she's cheating on you..."

,,She isn't cheating! It's something else, a lot more darker."

,,You think that somebody's threatening her?"

,,It's possible and I don't understand why she has to keep that a secret for me, she knows that I will do everything for her."

,,Maybe she doesn't want to put you into danger." Before I can answer, my phone goes off. Hayley... We have exchanged phone numbers, just in case we need each other. I don't understand why she's calling right now, but answer her call.

Hi Hayley, how's everything?

I'm fine, but I'm calling for Beca.

Is there something wrong with her? Immediately I start panicking and Brody put his arm around my shoulders.

So you do care about her?

Of course I care! How can you ask me that?!

Look I'm sorry, but the last time you where close with Tom and now with Brody.

How do you know about Tom?

Beca saw the two of you hugging last month.

What?! Oh my god, it's my fault that she's ignoring me!

A little bit, but not everything is your fault. I know a lot more now and I want to help Beca.

Me too, but she won't tell me anything.

Well, I can let you know what's going on.

Does Beca knows you're calling me right now?

No, she's against it. She's protecting you by staying away from you.

Protecting me? I don't understand.

,,Hayz, who're you talking to?" I hear Beca suddenly ask. Oh my god, what have I missed her voice! Why doesn't she want to talk to me?

,,Someone from school. We're talking about a project we've been working on."

,,Boring!" I let out a giggle, not hard, but still. Her comments are always funny. ,,Hurry up, we need to think about a plan." Plan? What plan?

,,I'll be right with you, I just end the conversation."

,,Yeah whatever." And that's the last thing I hear from her. For a couple of seconds it's quiet at the other side of the line. It's obviously that Hayley doesn't want Beca to hear her say my name.

I'm back, but I can't talk to long Chloe. I need to talk to you.

Then let's talk. Can you meet me tomorrow?

Yes, it's better to talk fast before she does things she will regret.

I really don't understand what you're talking about, but I guess I will tomorrow.

Trust me, tomorrow you'll understand the things Beca has done the last month. I'm sorry, I have to go now, but I'll see you tomorrow at school at 4 pm.

I'll be there!

And that's the last thing I say before Hayley hangs up the phone.

,,And is there something wrong with Beca?"

,,According to Hayley not, but she still wants to talk to me about Beca."

,,Don't think it's something bad, Beca wouldn't treat you like crap and otherwise she's dead."

,,What do you mean?"

,,Well, if she's hurting you in any way, I'm going to kill her."

,,Brody, she can't hurt me. We love each other and I'm going to fight for her, I miss her so much. The last month was awful without her and that only means I can't live without her in my life, so shut up about killing her! If you hurt her, I'll kill you!" Brody hold up his hand and don't say anything anymore. Good! I won't let him insult Beca! Oh Beca, I'm going to help you, I won't let you go this easily! I will fight for you, no matter what!

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