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.Beca's point of view.

,,Hola, de dónde es usted?" I ask Stacie, while holding my Spanish book. Next week Ms. Gomez is going to give us a test were we have to speak in Spanish. I already know some Spanish words, because my aunt comes from Cuba, so every time I see her, we're talking in Spanish.

,,Buenos días. Soy da America."

,,No Stace, it's de... soy de America."

,,Okay, miss Spanish." She sticks out her tongue and I roll with my eyes. She's only messing with me right now and I have to hold back my laughter. ,,I still don't know why we have to learn that stupid language, it's not like I'm planning to spend my holidays in Spain or something."

,,Hablo sólo un poco de Español. Deja que te ayude para obtener una buena calificación."

,,What?! I don't get anything you're saying."

,,I said; I speak a little Spanish. Let me help you, to get a good grade."

,,Te amo!" Stacie yell and put her arms around my neck. I start laughing.

,,Now you know what to say in Spanish? Really? Te amo, is the only sentence that you know in Spanish?"

,,I don't like Spanish class, I'm dropping that language end this year, so yeah..."

,,You're crazy."

,,Yeah, but you love me." I can't discuss with that. It's true, I love Stacie with all my heart, in a friendly way.

,,You're one of my best friends, of course I love you, you weirdo!" I give a kiss on her cheek and release myself from her hug.

,,What are you going to do later on?"

,,I don't know. Do you know when that Bella's party was?"

,,I thought Aubrey said that it was tonight, but I'm not sure. You should text Chloe."

,,Why would I text Chloe, if Aubrey's the one who knows?"

,,Because you like Chloe and you need to spend more time with her. You know, get to know her, build a strong friendship and maybe in a few months, you can call her your girlfriend?"

,,Stace, Chloe has a boyfriend."


,,Are you stupid? She has a BOYFRIEND, so that means she's straight."

,,So is Spaghetti, until it's wet." She gives me a wink. ,,Chloe looks like the kind of girl that wants to experiment things in high school and university. She isn't the type to have a solid relationship."

,,Well, I'm not letting anybody use me just for sex. I want a girlfriend, who loves me for who I am and who's willing to wait until I'm ready."

,,Wait, you're saying you're still a virgin?"

,,Why so surprised?"

,,Because I thought you hooked up with boys before."

,,I kissed many boys, but never did that. I'm only seventeen!"

,,I'm nineteen and tried everything with boys and girls. Does that makes me a bisexual?"

,,Did you like making out with both genders?"

,,Yeah. I had a boyfriend for years and we both were experimenting with others, so... I can't tell if I'm straight, gay or bisexual."

,,I'm gay, my dad doesn't know. He's always trying to link me to a boy, but he doesn't realize that it's not going to work."

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