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.Beca's point of view.

Today is the day that I'm going to talk to Tom. I want him to stop with the threats and the only way I can tell him that is to face him. I've seen Chloe and she's stunning. She's wearing a white dress and tries to kill me. She knows I love that dress! I couldn't find Hayley this morning when I woke up, but when my father came home, I ran away so he didn't saw me. I'll find Hayley later on, now Tom is the only one I have to see. I turn around the corner and freeze in my movement. Why is Chloe talking to him? What does she say and why is she this mad? I need to know, so I step a little closer, without the two of them notice. Just close enough to hear their conversation.

,,You need to stop threatening Beca, Tom." Wait, how does she knows about that? I didn't tell her and – oh my god, Hayley! That's why I couldn't find her, she told Chloe about the threats! How could she be so stupid?! Now Tom's going to kill Chloe or me.

,,I don't know what you're talking about." Is the only thing Tom says, what makes Chloe mad.

,,Don't deny it, I know everything and you're going to stop!"

,,Imagine it's true what you say, what are you going to do then? It's not like Beca and you are still together."

,,We didn't broke up you know that right? I will always protect her, just as she would do with me!"

,,How heartwarming, but it makes no sense. I'm not the one who threatens her!"

,,If you're not the one, then who is it?"

,,Did you ever thought about your boyfriend Brody?" Boyfriend? Chloe has a relationship with Brody? She moved on?

,,First of all, Brody is not my boyfriend and second he will never do such thing."

,,Are you sure about that?"

,,Yes, because he was with me last month. I think I had noticed it if he had sent threatening messages."

,,Threatening messages is something people do in secrecy," begins Tom and look over. His eyes find mine and anger goes through his eyes. Shit, I'm so dead! I can see Chloe begin to turn her head too and that's when I hide myself behind the wall again. Chloe can not know I'm here. ,,Check his phone." Is the last thing I hear from Tom. Are they done talking? Is Chloe gone? As quiet as possible, I walk back to my locker. I need to get out of here, before Tom finds me.

,,Too late!" I turn around by hearing his voice. Did I say that out loud? ,,I told you not to tell Chloe!"

,,I didn't told her." He balt a fist and punch against my locker, just a millimeter next to my head. Out of fear, I close my eyes and prepare myself for what's coming.

,,Who told her then?" I open my eyes again. I can't turn Hayley in. I need to lie.

,,Nobody. She figured it out herself, I can't control her."

,,You're lying!" And his fist finds my stomach. I groan and cover my stomach with my hands. Tom grabs my hair and put a knife on my throat. ,,You're so dead!"

,,What the heck are you doing?" Thank god! Tom turns around and faces Jesse.

,,This isn't your business, stay out of this, this is something between Beca and me."

,,Let her go!" Jesse push him away from me, but that only makes the knife goes over my shoulder. I scream out in pain and that causes that Chloe comes running around the corner.

,,Tom, stop!" she screams and wants to get to me, but can't because of Tom. Tom walks closer to me with the knife tight in his hand.

,,I told you to stay away from Chloe!" He yells and raise the knife. I close my eyes once again and wait for the stitch, what never comes. I hear a loud bang and see that Jesse knocked Tom against the lockers.

The blue-eyed girlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang