"The enemy just made the first attack."

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Third Person's POV
   Percy was having fun. She was hanging out with her team in the Chaos cabin. They were hanging out because of Percy. She wanted to know everything about them since they knew everything about each other. They were playing board games and having snacks.
A knock sounded at the door which made the team throw their hoods up while Percy walked to the door. She opened the door and there stood Apollo.
"Squishy!" Apollo smiled.
"Sunshine." Percy deadpanned. A few Chaotics snickered behind their hands.
"It's time."
"Time for what?"
"Your archery lessons. For the competition."
"But I don't want to participate in the competition. And plus I'm with the Chaotics right now."
"Well when are you not going to be with them."
"I'm with them for the whole day. We're doing this bonding thing. Sorry."
"Well you need training."
"Thanks." She said sarcastically.
"Well I can't. I'm with the team." Apollo's face fell. Silena shot out of her seat.
"Yes she can!" She stood next to Percy. Apollo immediately looked up with hope in his eyes. Percy turned to Silena.
"What? No, you guys said-" Silena put a her over her mouth.
"And we all agree you should go. Right guys?" They all nodded quickly, a little too quickly for Percy's liking. "See? Now go and have fun!" She pushed Percy out the door and she landed in Apollo's arms, just how Silena wanted. "But not too much fun!" She slammed the door in their faces.
"Great." Percy mumbled.
"Yeah it is!" Apollo grabbed Percy's hand and ragged her to the range.
   "C'mon Squishy!" Apollo complained. He was dragging Percy to the range.
"But I don't wanna!" She whined.
"Too bad!" Percy let out a grunt.
"What's the point of practicing if I won't be participating." At the Apollo stopped walking, almost making Percy crash into him. He turned around with a sad expression.
"You're not participating?" He asked. Percy started to feel guilty. Here he was, trying to help, and she was saying that he was just wasting his time.
"I'm terrible. Why do it when you know you won't get anything out of it?"
"Because if you participate and practice you will get better at the skill. And you being the Heir to Chaos I'm sure you need to widen your choice in weapons." Apollo informed. Percy stopped and thought about it. He was right. She sighed.
"Yay! And plus you get to spend more time with me!" Apollo started dragging her to the range again.
"And that's a good thing?"
"Of course it is!" Percy sighed. 'This is gonna be a long practice.'

They practiced for two hours. Yep two. Percy is now a good shot. She can get pretty close to the bullseye. She actually hit a couple too.
"You can actually hit it now!"
"Well thanks to you."
"You're welcome." They walked along the path to the Mess Hall. Apparently they practiced until dinner. Apollo bumped Percy's shoulder with his.
"So, are you gonna participate now?" He asked. She bumped him back.
"I don't know. Maybe. I have to think about it." Percy responded. He bumped her again.
"You should. It's gonna be fun." She bumped him back.
"Maybe." Apollo bumped her. She bumped back. They stopped walking and had a stare down, waiting for the other to make a move. Percy made the first move. She threw a light punch to his shoulder and took off, laughing all the way. Apollo ran after her.
   Apollo finally caught up to her and gave her a light punch too. Before she could punch him again he flashed away. Percy stopped in her tracks.
"Oh two can play that game." She concentrated and she soon flashed to the Mess Hall.
Apollo was just running in and when Percy appeared in front of him. Apollo couldn't stop in time and they went sprawling on the floor. They both groaned.
"Oh gods sorry!" Apollo exclaimed. He propped himself on his forearms by her head. Percy was holding her nose, which was currently bleeding.
"Well if you make this stop then I might forgive you." Apollo nodded quickly and Percy removed her hand. It was bleeding heavily. Apollo touched it with his finger and it stopped.
"Your welcome."
"Can you get off of me?"
"Oh yeah!" Apollo stood up and reached his hand out for her. She grasped his wrist and he pulled her up. When she was up she punched his shoulder harder than last time.
"That was for crashing into me and flashing away." She had a small smile in her face as she walked away to the Chaotics. Apollo walked to his table and they soon began eating.

   As Apollo was walking past Percy he punched her shoulder and promptly flashed away, leaving her glaring at the spot and they others to stare in confusion.
"He just punched you." Lee said.
"Why?" Michael asked.
"Because he started it. Don't worry I'll get him back." She answered. They didn't doubt it. They all finished their food and headed towards the campfire.
   The Chaotics sat in the back like usual and ignored the stares like usual. Apollo was walking by and Percy stuck her foot out and he tripped and fell. Percy quickly looked away trying to hide a smile. Apollo looked up at her.
"Really?" Percy looked over at him with fake innocence.
"Who me?" Apollo rolled his eyes and walked away muttering something about getting her back.
And so the campfire went on like this. Apollo retaliated and Percy retaliated back.

Percy's POV
It was actually kind of fun having this little fight with Apollo. I was about to retaliate when a wave of uneasiness and danger washed over me. I could tell the others felt it too because they stiffened and their hands went closer to their weapons.
   My senses were on high alert. Another wave. It's was getting sickening. I rested my hand on the hilt of my sword and stood up. I looked around in the night. Luke and Zoë stood up too.
"You guys feel it too right?" Ethan asked. We all nodded. That's when I heard something. It was leaves swishing. Not like they did in the wind. I spun around and gripped the hilt of my sword. I peered into the darkness, waiting for something to come out of it. I felt my wings twitch in my back. I unfurled my wings, stopping everything.
The other Chaotics stood and the campers were growing uneasy with all us standing tense.
"What's going-" I shushed the camper.
"Percy?" Apollo asked. I raised a finger. A couple campers stood too, feeling the uneasiness. And that's when I heard it. A snap. I moved too fast for anyone to see. I leaped into the air, slashed the boulder in two with my sword, and landed on the ground with a roll. The pieces fell to the ground just in front on the campers. Some campers screamed and some pulled out their weapons. The Chaotics charged towards the borders as did the campers.

The enemy just made the first attack.

I know it's kind of short. I had a little trouble writing this chapter. I just didn't know what to write! Well anyways. It's probably bad so yeah. I hope you liked it. And the next chapter is probably going to be bad too. I'm terrible at writing fight scenes. And like I keep on saying I have no idea what I'm doing what so ever.

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