"In case you forgot your mythology classes,"

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Percy's POV

   The ride back to camp was actually pretty fun. The hour was filled with jokes and many, many puns. I pull up in front of the hill and turn off the car.
'Percy, where are you?' Luke MM.
'At the bottom of the hill. Why?'
'Olympus meeting.'
'Ugh. I want Alpha to meet me there. Huntress you're in charge.'
I turn to Apollo. "There's a meeting on Olympus."
"Great. Just what I need."
"And what is that?"
"Yelling, shouting." Apollo waved his hand. "The works." I chuckle softly.
"Well I'll be there so you won't be the only one getting a headache." He snorts at that. I snap my fingers and I'm wearing my uniform. "We should go." He nods and we flash out at the same time.
   We both appear in front of the Throne Room doors. Alpha is sitting on the steps behind me. "Alpha!" He stands up and faces me.
"Finally." I roll my eyes.
"Oh whatever." Apollo walks through the open the doors and Alpha and I follow him in. Most of the gods are here. Apollo grows into his godly height and takes a seat in his throne. I summon two chairs for me and Alpha and sit down near the outskirts of the 'U'. A couple minutes later the Head Councilors arrive with Hermes. They bow to the gods and walk to their parents throne. Zeus and Hera are talking quietly while the rest of the gods flash in. They finish their conversation and Zeus looks at the gods and demigods. Purposely avoiding us. I smile.
"So Bolty, why did you call this meeting." Alpha snickers when Zeus glares at me. I see Hera bite her cheek to stop herself from smiling. I raise an eyebrow at her. She just takes a deep breath. I smirk at her and she narrows her eyes.
"We are here to discuss End." Zeus snaps.
"Okay, and?" I make a motion with my hand to for him to continue.
"We need to talk about Kronos. How did he get out of Tartarus?" Zeus asks. I roll my eyes and Alpha mutters something.
"Well he got out of Tartarus because of End. In case you forgot your mythology classes," Alpha snorts. "End has the same power of Chaos and Order."
"Don't forget you." Alpha interrupts. I snap my fingers.
"Right. Chaos, End and me. End can basically do anything. That includes bringing Kronos back to life and getting him out of Tartarus. So we can assume that End and Tartarus are working together."
   The meeting goes on like this. Zeus being an idiot and me providing answers to questions that are obvious. I rub my forehead as we exit the throne room.
"Wow. I can't believe I forgot what the council was like." Alpha states. I laugh.
"Yeah. They're a real pain in the ass."
"Ain't that the truth." I look to my left and Apollo is walking next to me.
"How can you do that? Like everyday?" Alpha asks. Apollo waves his hand dismissively.
"You get used to it." Apollo looked over at me. Then at Alpha. "Can I borrow her for a little while?" Alpha looks at him weirdly.
"Sure?" Apollo smiled.
"Great! C'mon darlin' I wanna show you something!" I practically melt when he calls me darlin. He grabs my hand and pulls me in the opposite direction of Alpha.
"Apollo! Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise!" I groan.
   Apollo runs down the streets pulling me behind him. We run past pedestrians and down twisting streets. He finally stops in front of a white marble gate. I look around.
"Where are we?"
"Olympus gardens." He pushes open the gate and pulls me inside. My mouth practically hangs open with the beauty.
"Wow." I breathe out. "It's beautiful." Apollo leads me down the path to the center. Flowers and trees of every kind were here. Vibrant colors filed my vision as we walked down the path. I almost forgot that our fingers were still intertwined. It set butterflies in my stomach and I smiled at the thought that neither one of us wanted to let go. We settled at a comfortable pace, so we were walking next to each other.
We stopped at what I assume is the center, given that there is a large, beautiful fountain pouring out crystal clear water.
"Woah." I walk up to the fountain pulling Apollo with me.
"I thought you would like it."
"I love it!" I turn back to Apollo. "Thank you." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly and looks down.
"It was nothing." I just smile and turn back to the fountain. I walk to the edge and peer down. Drachmas and some mortal coins are thrown into the water. I turn back to Apollo who is currently looking a small piece of art. I smile and pull on his hand. He turns back to me and I sit down and he edge of the fountain. He follows.
"It's very peaceful here." Apollo nods in agreement. A silence falls over us as we enjoy each other's company. I look over at Apollo.
"Do you ever just want to get away from everything?" I ask. He looks over.
"Like what?"
"Like from godhood, from council meetings, from the mythological world."
"I guess sometimes. Why?"
"Cause its moments like these where I get to get away from everything." A smile breaks out on Apollo's face and I can't help but smile back. His eyes flickered to my lips and he leans in a little. I felt my self leaning in too. My eyes fluttered closed as our lips were just centimeters apart.
'PERCY!' I shrieked and jumped back.
"What's wrong?" Apollo asks, concerned.
'PERCY!' I gripped my head.
'What the fuck do you want?!'
'It's Chaos. I have a mission for you.'
'Yes now! Meet me in my office.' I sighed and dropped my hand.
"What's going on?" Apollo asked.
"Chaos has a mission for me. I'm sorry." Apollo let go of my hand and stood up.
"Maybe its for the best." He stated walking down the path. I stood up and walked after him.
"Apollo." I gripped his shoulder and turned him around. "What does that mean?"
"What I mean is that when we defeat End you'll probably gonna barely be on Earth anymore. You're gonna be traveling through the universe, exploring new worlds and saving people." Apollo looked so depressed I couldn't help but feel bad. I grabbed his face with my hands and stood on my tip-toes. And I did something that I will never regret; I kissed him. He responded immediately. His hands gripped my hips. I pulled away, sadly, and looked into his eyes.
"I'll make sure to visit you as much as I can." He smiled before he kissed me again. My hands went around his neck as he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away again, sadly.
"I still have a mission to do." Apollo groans.
"Can't he just get someone else to do it?" I chuckle.
"No." He groans again. I give him a peck on the lips and flash to Chaos.

Here is the 15th chapter!! I finally updated and they finally kissed! And more exciting news we reached 1K views! This makes me so proud that this little story, that I had no idea what I was doing with, got this many views. So thank you all who have commented and voted. You don't know how much it means to me. Thank you so much! 😊

Vote, comment and follow. Bye!


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