"I'm Order."

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Percy's POV
   Blackness greets me as I wake. But I can still see. I'm standing and I look down at my body; it's transparent. It's like I'm a ghost, a spirit. The hole in my side is gone.
"Am I dead?" I ask aloud.
   Someone chuckles behind me. I whip around, reaching for sword that's not there. A woman stands there. She has pitch black hair and gold eyes. She wears a white dress that goes just an inch above the ground. Gold bangles adorn her biceps and her shoes are just as white as her dress.

"Who are you?" I ask.
   She flashes me a blinding smiles and takes a couple steps closer. I take a couple steps back. She notices this and she gives me a comforting smile.

"Don't worry dear. I won't harm you. Chaos would be furious with me. He doesn't want anything to happen to his precious heir." She says the word heir like it's a burden.

"Who are you?" I ask again.
   I put as much authority in my voice as I can. She chuckles at my attempt to make her obey me and she knows that I know I'm weak.

"I'm Order." She simply states.
   It's then I notice the resemblance. She has the same sharp features, pitch black and tall height. Her finger twitches and two chairs appear. She sits in one and I do the same.

"How come I haven't seen you before?" I ask. She smiled softly, almost longingly.
"Chaos and I," she takes a breath. "We haven't seen each other since End's incident." She chooses her words carefully, I know that.
"You're calling what End did to us an 'incident'?" I confront. Order shakes her head.
"No no. End has been like this for a while. Ever since father went farther into the void. End just couldn't handle not having father around. He's," she pauses, looking for the right words. "Not stable." She meets my eyes. "He needs help. And what he did, what you did, finally made him realize that. End is now in the void with father. Finally reunited." I'm shocked that I hear hate and some suspicion in her last words.
"You don't trust them?"
"Barely. Father is a good man but, End was always his favorite. He'll basically do anything for him. But Chaos and I both know it's the most secure place for him." She sighs as if she's tired of her family. I can relate.
"Where am I?" I finally ask. Order smirks.
"Well you see, father gave all of us a little piece of the void that no one can go into. Not even him. It's for things like this," she gestures at us. "And other things." Her smirk is dark but a bit playful.
"You'll inherit Chaos' part when you get the throne."
"Do you hate me?" I blurt out. She's been so aggressive towards me being heir to Chaos. Her eyes brows raise in surprise.
"I do not hate you. I just don't like that Chaos has gotten another heir."
"Another?" The question flies out of my mouth before I realize it. It seems I've surprised Order even more.
"He hasn't told you?" I shake my head. Order sighs and shakes her head sadly.
"He said he came to terms with it." She mumbles to herself but I could still hear her. Order meets my eyes.
"You'll have to ask him himself. Even if I'm not fond of Chaos, he is still my brother. I can not tell you." Her words are final and I don't push.

"I still don't understand why you and Chaos haven't spoken to each other. He hasn't mentioned anything to me about you." Order looks a little insulted.
"He hasn't spoken about me? At all?" I shake my head.
"Well we have been quite busy so," Order nods a little.
"Yes, that's one of the possibilities but that's not the entire reason." Order looks so sad I almost reach out and comfort her. Order leans forwards and placed her arms on her knees.
"Remember how I said we haven't spoken to each since End?" I nod and lean in a little closer to her. "Well it was because Chaos withdrew himself. Just like father did. I was furious with Chaos because we was slowly leaving us. End was already emotional and I was soon becoming a mess. I needed him and I knew he needed us. I was so mad that I said if he was going to become like father he should just stay away." She finally looks up. Her golden eyes swirl with emotions.
"I didn't mean it. Of course not. But we all were emotional we traded words and he left to go rule to the universe. We barely even talk and when we do it's only over drastic circumstances like what happened with End. End couldn't handle losing his father and big brother so he left to. But to his mind. I eventually had duties to take care of and so we all drifted apart." Order runs a hand through her hair and leans back in her chair.

   "I've been trying to talk to Chaos but he's been pushing me away. But since he's gotten a new heir there are two possibilities here." She sighs as if she doesn't want to say them out loud. Because if she does, they become true. "Either Chaos is getting better or,"

"Or he's dying." I finished. Order nods sadly.
"Of course he's still got many years to come but he knows."
"Where will he go?" I ask.
"The void. His essence will go to father." I lean back in my chair.
"Great." Sarcasm basically drops from the word.
"You mustn't worry. You still have time to learn the ways of the universe and such from Chaos. It will still be a long time until he goes to the void."

   We sit in silence for a couple of minutes.

"You will have to ask Chaos if you want anymore answers." I nod, still thinking about the new information.
"You should go. They'll be worried about you."
"How long have I been here?" I ask her. She thinks for a moment before answering.
"A day at most." I shoot out of my seat.
"A day?!" Order stands too.
"Don't worry you haven't missed anything too important."
"When will I see you again?" I ask.
"I don't know. But good luck." She gives me a small, sad smile and snaps her fingers.

Hello my wonderful viewers!
I have a question for you guys that I need you to answer. Should the Chaotics reveal their identities or not? Please tell me your thoughts. I really want your input and suggestions. Stay awesome!

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