"What happened?"

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Percy's POV
   I'm standing at the bottom of a well.
"Hello!" I call out. My voice echoes off the walls. The top is black. "Hello! Can any one here me?!" No one does. I try to scale the wall but it's too slippery.
   Then, water comes rushing in from five pipes around the walls. The well fills up quickly. I try to use my powers to stop the water, but it didn't work. Nothing works.
The water rises to my chest and I start to panic. I shout and pound on the walls. Trying to find a way to escape. But there is none.
   I take my last breath and the water fills to the top. I pound more on the walls and the top.
   My lungs burn for the need of air and my eyes sting. I feel my body go limp and my eyes close.

Third Person POV
   Apollo opens his eyes when he hears shouting. Percy thrashed around on the bed shouting, for help. His heart breaks when he can't help her. He sits on the edge of her bed and tries to stop her thrashing. After a couple of minutes she stills, gasping for precious oxygen.
   Will stands in the door way, watching the two. He basically saw Apollo's heart break when Percy called out for help. He saw how Apollo delicately put Percy in a comfortable position. He saw how Apollo mumbled a word.


   Apollo looked so broken, so frail. Like his happiness was taken away. Because it was.
   Apollo found something new to experience. He found happiness. He found adventure. He found.......love.

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