"And I love her."

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Okay slight thing. I forgot about the Romans. Just imagine that Reyna and a few other people are there too. Okay to the chapter!

Apollo's POV

   "It would be more beneficial if we attacked from all sides!" Athena argued.
"Let's just attack!" Ares grunted. I could hear them arguing but I wasn't paying attention. Instead I was looking at Percy.

   She looks so gorgeous sitting there. The sun's rays hit her just right making her glow. Her face rested in her hand and her brow furrowed in concentration. Her sea green eyes seem to get more purple everyday. Deep purple started at her iris then spread out like rays into the depths of the sea green. Captivating if you stared to long.

   I really wanted to kiss her but we were in the middle of a war council. She sighed as she picked up yet another map.

"Maybe we should go from under ground?" Percy asks.

   Her eyes flicker up to the others as they stop arguing and look over at her in confusion. Her eyebrow twitches a little as she looks back down at the map.

  "There's sewer lines going under the building." Her finger traces lines on the map. "We could go in them and surprise the enemy. Get some decoys and move all their guards and such away from that team." Her eyes look up at the rest of the gods. Athena moved so she was next to Percy and scanned the map.
  "Seems reasonable." Athena nodded and looked over at Percy, proudness shinning in her eyes. "We can make it work." Percy's smile was so bright it rivaled mine. Percy stood up and meet everyone's eyes.

"Huntress, Pirate, Vines, Shadow, The Seven, Reyna, Nico and me will use the sewers." I open my mouth to say something but Percy keeps talking.
  "Artemis, her hunters, Apollo, his kids, Oblivion, Bow, and Arrow will be here." She pointed to the tree line. "Use the trees to provide cover fire for the others with their bows. Make every shot count.

  "Zeus, Hades, Poseidon and Alpha will be leading the four other teams. We'll attack at all for sides." I see Athena smirk. "Listen to them. If I hear that something happened because you didn't listen you will meet my angry side. And you four," she looked over at The Big Three and Alpha. "Don't make any stupid decisions or else." She threatens and I slightly get chills.
   This is the side that people don't normally see. This is the side that is a bit dark and ruthless. The side that won't let anybody harm her loved ones. The side that takes charge over a situation and will punish you for not doing as she says. This is Perseus Jackson, daughter of Poseidon, heir to Chaos. And I fucking love her.

  "Eagles and Aphrodite cabin on pegai will be in the air to provide air support.

  "Hermes, Hephaestus and their cabins will make traps. Lead them to the south. They will be the first wave while Ares and his kids come up behind them.

  "Demeter and your kids will attack here," she points to the north wall. "You and your daughter, plus demigod children attack and draw any more guards away.

  "Gods not on the council," Percy's gaze snaps to Zeus for a split second. "Will attack on the east. You have magic, use it. Fight your way in with the Athena cabin. Find any useful information in there. If it's too dangerous don't get it." She wants them.

  "Anyone else, you get the west. Your main job is to get the guards away from the infiltrating team.

  "Romans will split into four and fight with the Greeks. Chaotics help where ever you are needed. Same goes for all the other gods. Everyone understand?"

  "Woah woah woah." Leo stood up and made a time-out sign with his hands. "You want us," he gestures towards the Seven, Clarisse, Reyna and Nico. I don't fail to notice that he didn't point at Huntress and Pirate. "To attack End?" Percy swallows.
  "Yes. I understand if you don't want to. But I need all the help I can get. We defeated a Primordial. Lets take another step up the power scale." Percy shrugs and smirks.
  "Incase you forgot we had our parents' help." Piper chimes in. The others nod.
  "In case you forgot, I'm more powerful than everyone combined in this room. So are Huntress and Pirate." Percy turns to Leo. "I didn't miss that Leo." Leo looks down ashamed.
  "Plus," Percy unsheathed her sword. The three foot black and purple sword makes the room's temperature go down a little. I subconsciously move away a little. "I have this."
  "What's that gonna do? Everyone has a sword." Ares grumbles. Percy narrows her eyes at him.
  "This sword is made out of void metal, the most powerful metal in the universe. The only metal that can take down End."
  "So you will give the final blow." Zeus accuses. Percy raises an eyebrow.
  "Zeus, watch it. That is still my daughter you are talking to." Poseidon basically growls out. Percy beams over at her dad.
  "Yes I will." She points the sword at Zeus. "Unless you want to?" Zeus pales a little. Percy takes this as a no. "I thought so." She sheathes her sword.

  "Now, lets go inform the others. We will attack in two days." Percy states. Everyone stands up.
  "Percy, what if we don't win this?" Hera asks. Her eyes are filled with so much worry that I nearly do a double take. Percy seems to pick up on this.
  "We won't."
  "But what if?" Hera presses.

   Everyone looks over at Percy. Percy looks down with her jaw set and lips in a straight line. After a couple seconds she looks up.

  "Then the world will fall into eternal darkness."

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