"I don't have 'normal dreams'."

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Zoe's POV
   It took awhile for Percy to get back in the hang of things. She spent nearly an hour processing that no one was dead.

   I started to pick up on a few things from Percy. She stayed clear of water that wasn't in cups. She makes more physical contact with people. She would lean on someone or grab their arm when she was talking to them.

   I also noticed how she spent more time with Apollo. One time, during a campfire she grabbed Apollo's hand tightly. Apollo didn't seem to mind but he looked down at her with a bit of worry. Percy had smiled at him in reassurance and I noticed how his eyes sparkled.

   Percy and Apollo seemed inseparable. The only time they were apart was when they were teaching, eating and sleeping. I'm starting to doubt the last one though. I know something changed between them and I'm happy that they were growing closer.

   I noticed the suggestive smiles, the teasing looks, the daringly raised eyebrow they threw at each other. I noticed how they watched each other when the other wasn't paying attention. I noticed the reserved smile Percy only used with Apollo and the twinkle in their eyes when they saw each other. How sometimes their fingers twitched when the other one was close, like they could barely contain themselves from making physical contact with each other.

   We arrived first to the Mess Hall for breakfast. The other cabins filed in. Percy smiled over at Apollo when he and his children walked in. Her happy face morphed into confusion. I looked over at Apollo and I knew he was avoiding her. Percy went back to her breakfast, albeit a bit sad.

I quietly nudge Ethan who is sitting to my right.

"What?" He asked.
"Apollo." I whispered. He leaned in closer.
"What about Apollo?" He whispered back.
"He didn't greet Percy. He didn't even look at her!" It normally takes someone to actually talk to them for them to stop staring at each other. The love sick idiots.

Ethan furrowed his brow and looked at Apollo's table. Sure enough, his head was turned away from our table and he was talking to Will. To any regular person it looks like two people having a conversation. But I was trained better. Apollo looked a bit ... weird. He shifted a couple times and it looked like he was trying hard to hold the conversation.

"That's weird." Ethan stated. I nodded.

"What's weird?" I turn to my left where Micheal is sitting.
"Uh.." Ethan starts. I mentally roll me eyes. I steal a quick glance at Percy. She's talking Silena and Beckendorf. Away from us.
"Apollo. He's ignoring Percy." I say in a hushed tone. He looks over at Apollo.
"That is weird. Did they have a fight or something?" He asks.
Ethan shrugged and takes a bite of food.
"Or something." I state. I turn back to my breakfast and finish it off.


   I open the door to the cabin when I hear two people talking. Nobody should be here so I shut the door with out a sound and silently walk down the hall. I crouch down and steal a glance in the common room. Apollo and Silena are sitting on the couch. Apollo looks troubled and confused while Silena looks like she's trying to get him to say something. Silena looks over her shoulder and I duck back in the hall.

"Apollo you can tell me. I won't judge you." My face scrunches up in confusion and I press my ear to the wall to try and hear better.
"I-" Apollo sighs. "I had a dream." My confusion grows more.
"What happened?"
"I was in a field sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket near me. I looked down and in my arms was a baby boy sleeping." I withheld a gasp.
"And there was a uh ring on my finger. A wedding ring."
"What else was going on?" Silena pushed.
"Percy was sitting a little farther away. In front of her was a little girl around eight. Percy was showing her how to make a flower crown." I smiled at the memory of Apollo wearing one.
"And when she was done the little girl ran up to me."
"Can you describe her?" I heard Apollo take a deep breath.
"She had golden hair like mine. She had light freckles across her face and she had deep purple eyes, like Percy's. She had Percy's lips and my nose." Is he saying what I think he's saying?
"She ran up to me saying 'Daddy! Daddy! Look what I made!' She showed me the flower crown."
"What did you do?"
"I said it's lovely and she put it on my head. 'It's yours now.' she stated. She ran back to Percy. Percy was staring at me with a smile and I count help but smile back." I cover my mouth with my hand. 'He dreamed of him and Percy having children!'
   "I don't understand Apollo. This is perfectly normal for someone to be thinking about, albeit subconsciously, when in a relationship." 'But him and Percy weren't in a relationship. Unless they hid it! That explains a lot about their relationship.'
"No, I don't have 'normal dreams'. I have visions. Since I am the god of prophecies I get these visions. This was a vision." I heard Silena gasp.
"You mean-"
"Yes." Apollo confirmed. I sat down on the floor. I heard Apollo groan.
   "What am I going to do? I couldn't even look at Percy at all today! Silena what am I going to do?!" I was shocked. 'How did he know?'
"I uh," Silena paused. "Maybe tell Percy?"
"Why on earth would I do that?!"
"So she knows why you are acting this way. She knows you have these visions right?" I assume he nods.
"Then just tell her that you had an odd vision and leave it there. She'll understand. You just needed time to fully understand the vision." Silena explains. 'Good plan.'
"I can't lie to her! Manly because I can't lie without making it obvious. I'm also the god of truth you know."
"I know. This was an odd dream and you did need time to process it. Just say it doesn't matter."
"But it does!"
"Not right now. This takes place in the future. This is the present. People say don't dwell on the past, well ... don't dwell on the future." I heard Silena get up and Apollo follow suit.
   "Just make sure she knows that it isn't her fault that you're ignoring her." With that they start towards the door. I flash my self right out side the door. I pretend to just come up when they open the door.
"Hey Apollo."
"Hello Huntress. Goodbye Star." I walk in the cabin and Silena closes the door.
"What did Apollo want?" I ask innocently.
"Nothing." She dismissed the topic quickly but I knew it wasn't nothing.
"Okay. I'm gonna go take a shower. I just got back from training with Luke. He really does know how to make you get a work out." I tried a joke, very rare, but Silena barely registers that I said anything. She mumbled an 'okay' and heads towards the couch. I knew she was still processing Apollo's vision. I sigh and head upstairs.

*ducks from sword that was flung.* Okay I know it's been forever! I'm sorry. But it's summer so I plan to have more updates. (Hopefully) Incase you didn't notice Apollo knows its Silena. He found out in a vision about her and Bekendorf. Apparently Beckendorf will surprise her with something. You will jay have to wait and see! Tell me what you think.

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