"Well my door is open if you get any wounds."

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Third Person's POV
   Apollo stood there for about five minutes, processing what just happened and smiling like an idiot. He walked back through the garden, replaying their kiss over and over again in his head. He can still taste her lips against his. Sea salt and mint. A thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

'Poseidon is going to kill me.'

   He immediately stopped walking and the smile fell from his face. "Shit." He mumbled. He flashed away to someone who he thought could help. He appeared in the throne room, next to the hearth. Immediately Hestia looked up. "What are you doing here Apollo?" His fearful eyes locked unto hers.
"Poseidon is going to kill me." Hestia's face scrunched up in confusion.
"Poseidon is going to kill me." Hestia pulled on his wrist and he sat down.
"What are you talking about?"
"Fuck. He's gonna kill me." Hestia was starting to get impatient.
Apollo looked over at her. "I kissed Percy."
"What?!" Apollo closed his eyes.
"I know!"
Hestia scooted closer to the terrified god. "When did this happen?"
"A couple minutes ago." Bewilderment crossed her face. "What?!"
"I know, I know!" He buried his face in his hands. Hestia reached out and rubbed his back comfortably. Apollo looked up at her. "But this kiss felt different. It was different than all the other times I kissed someone over the millennia. When I kissed them it felt like something was missing. But when I kissed her," he smiled. "It was like something clicked." He bit his lip anxiously. A small smile appeared on Hestia's face.
"Oh Apollo." She pulled him in a hug. "I doubt he will kill you. Hurt you, yes. Kill you, no." Apollo pulled away and looked at her with an astonished face. "What? I'm just stating the truth." Apollo sighed.
"How bad will it hurt?" Hestia thought for a moment.
"Well you did kiss his favorite daughter. So....probably a lot." Apollo hung his head.
"That's not helping."
"Then you shouldn't ask questions you don't want to know." Apollo just sighed in response. "And I think that if you actually prove that this just won't be a mindless fling,"
"It isn't! Well I hope it isn't."
"I know. Now as I was saying, if you prove to him he probably won't do anything extreme." Apollo looked over at Hestia and hugged her.
"Thanks. I feel better."
"That's why I'm here." Apollo gave her a grateful smile and stood up. With a goodbye he flashed to camp.

   Apollo walked through camp, barely containing his smile. Will fell into step beside him.
"So what's got you into a good mood?" Will ask with a nudge. Apollo's face heated up a bit. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Will. "Did you meet someone?" Apollo quickly shock his head.
"No! I didn't meet someone. I already know her." The last part just came spewing out. Will's eyebrows rose.
"You already know her?" Apollo hesitated but nodded slowly.
"Is it Percy?" Apollo froze and looked over at Will. Will's grin grew wider. "I'll take that as a yes. So what happened?" Apollo sighed. But his smile grew as he thought what did happen. "We kissed."
"You what?!"
"We kissed." Will whistled lowly.
"Poseidon is going to kill you." Apollo groaned. "Don't remind me."
"And probably the Chaotics." Apollo paled. He never thought about that.
"Shit." Will chuckled.
"Well, my door is open if you get any wounds." Apollo lightly pushed him.
"Oh shush." They continued walking. "If we actually do date wouldn't it be weird for you guys?" Will thought about this.
"Well as long as you don't break each other's hearts than I'm pretty sure I'll be fine." Will smiled reassuring at him. But then his face cleared of any emotion. "But if you dare hurt her, you will be on the list of gods to hate. She's has enough shit to deal with already she doesn't need her heart shattered to pieces again. It took us a long to help Percy out of her depression when Annabeth died. I don't won't you to destroy that." Apollo gulped and nodded slowly. "But don't worry. I'll basically have this talk to her too." With that Will walked away. Apollo walked to the range with Hestia and Will's words floating through his head.
'Hurt you yes. Kill you no.'
'If you dare hurt her, you will be on the list of gods to hate.' Apollo shook his head, as if this will make the thoughts go away.

It was dinner time when Percy returned. She was dirty and she seemed angry. Her eyes glowed purple and they were staring at Alpha.
"Alpha." She growled. He stood up, hesitantly.
"What is it?"
"Come with me. Huntress you're in charge." She turned on her heel and stalked off with Alpha right behind her. The Mess Hall soon went back to talking.

Ten minutes later Alpha came back.
"Can I have your attention please!" He shouted. The campers quieted down.
"Percy would like to see the Chaotics, Chiron, Head Councilors and Apollo please." Without waiting for a reply he walked out. Immediately the mentioned people stood up and walked out.
They mentioned people made their way inside the Chaotics' cabin. Alpha led them to the conference room. They all took random seats (except Chiron cause you know.) and they waited for Percy to walk in. They didn't dare talk. A couple minutes later Percy stormed in and slammed the door closed, causing everyone but the Chaotics to jump. She sat down in the head chair and glared at the wall in front of her.
"Percy," her purple eyes snapped to Jason. "Why did you call us here?" If anything her glare got worse and poor Jason, he withered under her glare.
"We have a spy among us."

So I'm gonna leave it on that wonderful note. Tell me your thoughts and stay awesome!

Vote, comment and follow. Bye!


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