"Battling a Titan? Totally Fun."

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I know this is a bit later then usual. I had some writers block. I'm terrible with fight scenes. Sorry if it's bad I warned you. Enjoy! Hopefully.

Third Person's POV
The campers pulled out their weapons and ran to get armor on. The Chaotics ran to the battle. They stopped at the top of the hill. An army of monsters were there and right behind them was Kronos.
   The campers appeared behind them and some of them gasped. Percy scanned the scene.
"Archers in the trees now! I want Athena to get some Pegai and get behind them. Discreetly, and wait for my command. Ares, Demeter and Chaotics take the middle, Hermes and Hephaestus start setting up traps, the rest spilt in two and take either the left or right."
Alpha turned to Percy. "And you?" Percy gripped her words and smiled. "I take Kronos."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it'll be fun."
"Ready! Attack!" Percy shouted. The campers and Chaotics charged the monsters. The demigods hacked and slashed. The Chaotics and Percy were just whirlwinds of power. Apollo had joined his children in the trees, along with two Chaotics.
   Percy cut down every monster that was in her path until she reached Kronos. She stood before him, her armor covered in golden dust.
"So you think you can beat me alone?" Kronos taunted.
"Well I have gotten an upgrade." She stated. It was then did Kronos notice the new aura of power around her. He narrowed his eyes at her but didn't back down. He lifted up his sword and Percy lifted up hers.
"Just like last time eh?" Percy stated. She slashed. He blocked. This went on for a couple of minutes. Both had some cuts but nothing major. Percy looked over at the campers. The monsters were slightly gaining the upper hand. 'Time for the Athena cabin.' She kicked Kronos in the chest and he fell and she turned behind her, still watching Kronos and called out.
"Now!" Pegai launched into the air and spears and daggers rained down. She quickly turned to back to Kronos but he threw her into the trees. She would have hit the ground if not for her wings. They suddenly sprouted and cut down any tree in her way. She balanced her self a couple feet off the ground. Kronos stared at her wings.
"So you did get and upgrade?"
"Told you so." She flew at him and their swords meet with so much power that any monster that was in a ten foot radius exploded into gold dust. Kronos was thrown back but Percy still hovered above the ground. Kronos stood up on shaky legs. Ichor dropped from his mouth.
"You know. I'm gonna try something on you." Percy stated. Kronos raised an eyebrow but his face was soon contorted in pain. Percy had shot a pure dark energy beam at him. She stopped and stood there watching Kronos get his bearings.
"That was new." Kronos stated.
"Oh yeah?" She shot another energy beam and he collapsed on the ground. Percy walked over to him. "Sorry about this." She plunged her sword in his chest and he glowed and disappeared.
   Percy looked around. The demigods finished off the monsters. Percy's eyes wondered. Some demigods lay in the ground.
"Casualties?!" She shouted.
"Just five!" Percy nodded in their direction.
"Chaotics!" They turned their attention to her. "If you can help, help. If not go to the cabin." They nodded and Bow and Arrow stayed behind to help the healers. Apollo walked up to Percy.
"You alright?" He asked. She nodded.
"Yeah. You?"
"Just fine." They walked up the hill, swerving around piles of golden dust.
"It was kinda fun." Percy stated.
"Yeah. Battling a Titan? Totally fun."
Apollo chucked.
"Only you Percy. Only you."
"You should go help your kids." Apollo nodded.
"Yeah. I'll see you later." Apollo jogged off towards the infirmary and Percy made her way around the campers. They seemed pretty fine.
   She made her way to the Chaotic cabin. She opened the door to see her all in the living room.
"You guys okay?" They all nodded. Percy sighed. "Good." She sat down.
"Are you okay?" She nodded.
"I'm just- this is so tiring."
"What is?" Michael asked.
"Evil deities trying to take over the world. And I'm always the one fixing it."
"Well you have us now." Silena said. Percy smiled a little. "I'm gonna go upstairs and get some sleep. You guys should too. Wake me if anything happened." They nodded and she walked up the stairs.
   Luke turned towards the group. "She won't handle this alone alright?" They nodded again. "Good. She's right we should get some sleep." They all headed upstairs and to their rooms.

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