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Percy's POV

   I hear someone scream. I think it's me. I flip through the air not managing to stop; the shock wave too strong.

   My back hits many trees as I tear them down. I finally get stopped by one with a sickening crack. I fall to the ground on my face. Pretty sure I broke many things. I groan as I try to move. I hear someone calling my name but it's all hazy. I slip into blackness.

   I slowly blink my eyes open. Everything is blurry and swimming. I suddenly feel nauseous. 'Apollo' I think. 'I gotta get to him.'

   I cry out as I push myself so I'm on my hands and knees. I'm breathing heavy and I can feel my wings droop. I slowly turn my head. They're broken. I faintly hear someone sprinting through the woods to me and someone calling my name.

   I slowly reach my hand out to my wings and my hand glows purple. I gently press it to my wings and scream as I feel them fix themselves and as my back gets readjusted. I collapse back on the ground trying to fight to stay conscious. I see someone kneel down next to me.

"Percy!" I see Micheal's worried face in my sight. His hands glow a warm yellow. A warm yellow that I see whenever I see Apollo heal someone. Tears prick my eyes. I'm filled with warmth as he heals me as much as he can. I try to sit up but Micheal pushes me back down.
"Percy lay still. You broke many bones." I push his hands away.
"Apollo." I croak. I sit up much to Michael's protests. With his help I stand up. With and arm around his shoulder and his around my waist we make it back to the others. On the way he feeds my nectar and ambrosia.

I scan the crowd looking for he familiar blond hair. Micheal lets go and runs over to another demigod, leaving me alone. I slowly make my way to the compound. Debris and rubble is everywhere. I see Artemis and Zeus sifting through it. Artemis looks hysterical while Zeus has an emotion less mask up. But I can see his worry. Hera is also looking a bit a frantic, along with Hermes. I see other demigods searching too.

I limp my way over to the rubble and help. It's only when I look up form under a piece of rubble that I see someone slowly stand up. Their clothes are practically rags and they're covered in dirt and grime. Cuts and gashes adorn their body. I practically freeze when they look at me. Their cobalt blue eyes bore into mine.
"Apollo" I breathe out. I feel fear run down my face. They cough and I'm brought back into reality.

"Apollo!" I shout.

My legs move as quick as they can. He goes as fast as he can to me too. I'm filled with so much happiness that I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He stumbles but still stands. I grip his face with my hands and kiss the living day lights out of him.

I pull away and rest my forehead on his. More tears run down my face as I stare into his eyes.

"You're alive."
"I said I would be didn't I?" He has the nerve to smirk. I roll my eyes and kiss the smirk off his face.

He gently puts me down and Artemis flings herself into his arms. She cries into his shoulder while he whispers something in her ear. I wipe at me eyes as Zeus and Hera come over and hug him too.

"Percy!" Someone shouts. My head whips towards the voice. It's Micheal. On no. I make my way over to him painfully.
"It's Shadow." The color drains form my face.
"Get Nico and Hades."
"Go!" I snap. He rushes off as I approach Bianca. I feel more tears come but I push them away. I see Bianca pale body and the ground, on top of a mat. I kneel down and check her pulse. It's there. Barely.
"Percy?" I hear Nico's exhausted voice behind. I turn.
"I have to tell you something." He kneels down next to me. Hades does the same on the other side.
"What is it?" Hades asks. I look down at Bianca. They follows my gaze. I slowly reach out and push down her hood. I hear Hades and Nico gasp.
"Bianca?" Nico whispers. Bianca slowly cracks opens her eyes and smiles when she sees them.
"Hi," she barely even whispers. She goes into a coughing fit. When she's done she looks over at me. 'You okay with this?' I get the message. I nod and stand up. I make my way through the demigods and gods. I finally find myself standing in from of Poseidon.

"Dad?" I whisper. His eyes snap up to me. His shoulder sag with relief and he stands up to hug me. I hug him back and breathe in the smell of the ocean.
"Are you okay? What happened?" His worried eyes scan my body and stop at the gash in my side.
"You're hurt!"
"It's just a flesh wound." I wave him off but I'm feeling dizzy. Maybe I should have listened to Micheal. I faintly remember End slashing my side with his glowing purple sword. The last thing I see is Poseidon's worried eyes as I fall unconscious.

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