"Eat this fry damnit!"

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Third Person's POV
   Percy sat on the beach with her toes in the sand. The sun was high in the sky and it was almost lunch time. She was still unsettled by her dream. She couldn't get that voice out of her head. The water was reacting to her emotions. The waves crashed against the see in an unpredictable manner and the water was swirling. It wasn't anything to be afraid of but it did show a lot of power.
   She sat there trying to decipher the dream when she heard the horn blow for lunch. She sighed as she stood up. With one last glance at the water she made her way to the Mess Hall.
   The campers were already there when she arrived. She sat down at her usual corner seat with Alpha on her left and Huntress in front of her. Alpha noticed her off behavior.
"Hey." He nudged Percy with his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
Percy stopped pushing food around her plate and look over at him.
"No." She turned back to her food. Alpha furrowed his brow.
"What happened?" Huntress was on the edge of her seat.
"It was that stupid dream!" She exclaimed. Percy set down her fork and rested her elbow on the table where she put her hand to her forehead.
"What was the dream about?" Alpha asked gently. He scooted closer to her.
"It was people lying in th-their blood and screams. A-a voice said 'beware because this is your future'." The table was silent after that.
"Well," Star leaned closer in. "it could mean anything." Percy scoffed.
"No it doesn't. It means that everyone's gonna die." Percy looked away and bit her lip. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm just really stressed right now okay? I'm gonna go." She stood up and walked out of the Mess Hall.

Apollo was talking with his kids when he saw Percy say something to a Chaotic then looked away and by her lip. 'Damn. She looks so hot when she does that.' She ran a hand through her hair, said something to a Chaotic then left.
He finished his conversation with his kid and stood up to follow her. He jogged out of the Mess Hall oblivious to the smirking Chaotics.

Apollo's POV

"Hey Percy!" I called. Percy stopped walking and turned around.
"What happened?" I jogged up to her.
"The dream. I can't get it out of my head." She looked away and bit her lip.
"Well maybe we should get it out of your head." I stated. She looked back at me.
"How?" She said it in this quiet voice that I couldn't help but reach it to her. My hand grasped hers and I squeezed it.
"By distracting you." I smiled at her confusion.
"Again, how?" She titled her head in confusion.
"See that's where the fun comes in. I noticed you didn't eat. I'm still hungry so, I know where to go."
"What? Wher-" she was cut off by me teleporting is out of camp and to one of my favorite diners. A vintage diner.
We stood right in front of it. Percy looked around and when her eyes landed on the 'diner' sign, she laughed. I looked over at her with confusion.
"Why are you laughing?" She managed to calm down and look over at me.
"You took me to a diner."
"Yeah so?"
"A vintage one."
"Yeah so?" I asked again. She laughed softly and shook her head.
"C'mon. Lets see if you can distract me." She tugged on my hand, that I just realized she was still holding, and walked up the steps.
The bell jingled as we made our way in. It wasn't crowded, given that no one really knew of it, so we didn't have to go searching for a booth. We sat down in one just a little ways from the door.

"Apollo, sweetie! You're here." The sweet voice of Mercy filled my ears. You see I used to come here a lot. But godly stuff got in the way so I had to tone down the visits. Mercy was still waitressing here like always. I smiled to her.
"Hey Mercy."
"It's been some time." She playfully glared at me while I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Yeah sorry about that."
"Oh it's fine! You're here now that's all that matters." She finally looked over at Percy. A look of surprise crossed her face.
"You brought your girlfriend!" Mercy gushed. Immediacy my face heated up.
"Wait Mercy,"
"I'm not his girlfriend." Percy replied.
"What?!" She turned to me. I gulped. "You mean to tell me that you haven't gotten together with this beautiful girl?" She placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows. Percy had looked down with a small smile on her face.
"Uh," I started.
"Yeah 'uh'." Mercy scoffed. "What would you like?" She pulled out her pad and pencil.
"The usual but double it." Mercy nodded and wrote it down.
"It'll be right out lovebirds." Before we could say anything she walked away. Percy looked up at me.
"I like her." She stated.
"Hard not to." I rubbed the back of my neck again. "I'm sorry if she made you uncomfortable with saying that we're together." Percy laughed softly.
"Oh it's fine." She waved her hand dismissively. "What is your usual?" I smirked.
"You'll see." She rolled her eyes.
"Fine." She looked around the diner. "Why did you bring me here?" I shrugged and leaned back.
"I don't know. I like to visit Mercy at least once a month and you needed a distraction so..." I trailed off. Percy nodded.
"Well thanks."
"Of course." Percy looked down.
"I'm still wearing my uniform." She stated. I smiled. "Yep."
"They know you're a god right?" She leans in closer. I nod and she looks relieved. She leans back. "That's good. That means I can do this." She snapped her fingers and she was wearing a sea green shirt that matched her eyes and black jeans. She still wore her combat boots.

   Soon enough our food arrived. Percy was basically drooling. I ordered us two chicken sandwiches, chocolate milkshakes and a large plate of fries. She smiled at me. "It looks delicious." I picked up my sandwich.
"I'm glad you think so." I took a bite and looked over at Percy who practically melted at the taste.
"This is so good!" She took another bite.

We finished our sandwiches and started on our milkshakes. Percy took a fry dipped it in her milkshake and ate it. I looked at her weirdly. She noticed me.
"Why did you do that?" I pointed at her hand which was currently holding a fry half in the milkshake.
"Because it's good this way." She stated it like it was obvious. She ate the fry and went for another one. "Try it." I shook my head.
"You're crazy."
"That's the best kind." She smiled at me. But I couldn't help but be wary of it. She picked up a fry dunked it in my shake and held it out for me. "C'mon. Try it." I shook my head.
"Yes." She leaning in and I was leaning back.
"No way." Her fist pounded on the table.
"Eat this fry damnit!" I shook my head.
"I'm not eating that-" I was stopped because she shoved the fry in my mouth and closed it with her hand. I stated at her wide-eyed whiles she smirked back. "Chew."
I did. And let me tell you, it was amazing.
Percy must have seen my face cause she leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest while smiling smugly.
"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" She teased. I swallowed the fry and grabbed another one.
"Bitch." She grabbed a fry too and dipped it in her shake while I did the same to mine.

We finished up our fries and shakes and I put the money on the table. We said our goodbyes to Mercy and left, of course after we promised to visit again soon.
   We walk out the door and Percy grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. I'm shocked that she did that but didn't say anything. Like I'll ever tell her to to stop holding my hand.
"You know," she looks over at me. "You did a wonderful job at distracting me." I smile down at her.
"Why thank you." She looks around us and furrows her brow.
"Are we in New York?"
"Good. I don't want to flash back to camp."
"You mean you want to walk?" She shakes her head.
"No, I want to drive."
"You don't have a car." She looks at me.
"I can summon a car." She must have seen my confusion cause she rolls her eyes and snaps her fingers. "I think you forgot that I'm Heir to the Universe."
   A black 1967 chevy impala is now on the road. I whistle lowly.
"This is a good car."
"You betcha." She opens the driver door and gets in.
"Do you even know how to drive?" I walk up to her window.
"Yes!" I raise an eyebrow.
"Paul taught me." I sigh and walk over to the passenger door.

'This is gonna be a long drive.'

There! Another chapter for you. I know, I know it's been forever but here it is. Please tell me what you thought!

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