Chapter 6

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"I want a harder mission!" Naruto yelled right at Iruka Sensei who was in charge of giving us missions.

Apparently, after several weeks of doing community missions that included weeding, shopping, cutting trees, and much more, Naruto decided to announce his boredom and annoyance.

Sakura didn't like the yard work missions. She preferred missions that didn't require so much physical work outside. The sun burned her delicate skin and all the work so far in the gardens calloused her hands. Sakura often openly expressed her distaste for chores and bossed everyone else around for her own convenience.

Sasuke, like Naruto, didn't care for boring chores either and wanted missions that actually require ninja skills. However, Sasuke followed the rules and didn't say anything about getting harder missions. If he had authority over him, he chooses to follow obediently. If there wasn't then he did what he liked.

As for me, I don't care what missions we get. If the rules were to do thirty or so D-rank missions, then I'd do it. What else was I supposed to do? There's only so much time I can read before I start having headaches. I thought of borrowing Spirit in the Wild after finishing Angel's Burden.

"Enough, Naruto! You four are not ready for any kind of mission about D-rank!" Iruka Sensei snapped back at him. He then proceeded to explain why and the protocol, however, Naruto ignored him and began talking about getting ramen later. I looked back at Iruka Sensei. He was growing even angrier. "LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING!" Iruka Sensei slammed his hands smartly on the desk as he stood up, his entire posture seething.

"Alright, alright," Naruto said, looking a little worried. He clearly didn't like loud noises, and Iruka Sensei's angry lectures were one of them.

"Now, now, Iruka, let's give them a C-rank then," Hokage-sama suggested, causing Iruka to jerk his head back at him in shock.

"What?! But, Lord Hokage-sama--"

"Iruka Sensei, it's fine. They have Kakashi with them," the Hokage answered.

"Very well then. Team Seven, you are to escort this client back to the Land of Waves."

"Wait, really!?" Naruto exclaimed while Sasuke and Sakura looked slightly more relieved and interested in the prospect of avoiding chores. Iruka sighed at us all and walked over to a side door. "Who is it? A princess? A feudal lord?!"

"Come on in," Iruka Sensei called, waving the supposed client in. We all heard heavy footsteps, grunts, then our client.

"These are the kids who are gonna take me home? You're kidding," the man said, wiping his mouth with a swish of alcohol. "The little runt doesn't even look like she can do much."

I glanced at Sakura. I guess he was referring to me, but I don't understand why.

"Hey, aren't you mad? He just insulted you," Naruto whispered loudly.

"No, I'm not mad," I said, glancing back at him. "That's just life."


"Alright, enough chitchat! Let's meet up at the gates in a few minutes, okay?" Kakashi Sensei said.


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