Chapter 41

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"Foolish little brother," Fake Itachi repeated, staring at Sasuke. Sasuke couldn't attack, and Shino was no longer with him. However, Sasuke knew the only way he could get rid of his rule was to find the throne room. With fists clenched and hatred burning in his eyes, Sasuke chased after the Fake Itachi, still unaware that that was not his real brother. As he ran down the halls, he hoped "Itachi" would bring him to the throne room. There was no other route.

In the meantime, Lee and Choji had successfully avoided all my traps. Lee reluctantly agreed to let Choji carry him on his back, and the two flew down the hallways and eventually reached a maze with plenty of fresh traps laid out for them.

The maze I had prepared for this duo was a tunnel maze. Both Lee and Choji had to crawl on their hands and knees to find the exit. Choji had tried expanding himself, but I had kept this in mind and strengthen the tubes so Choji couldn't destroy my maze.

In these tunnels, I had several tiles that could active traps placed in certain tunnels. With the boys traveling one after another, no doubt the leader would activate the traps and injure the follower. Another possibility I had kept in mind was to use weight tile sensors. If the trap needed a minimum weight to be activated, then whoever fulfilled that condition would activate the trap, while the other couldn't unless he had additional weight.

"I'll go first then," Lee suggested, stepping forward. "Like Gai-Sensei says, we should be brave and courageous! One step of courage is one step towards youthfulness!"

"Okay then," Choji said. "Be careful."

And off they went. As soon as they made a right turn at an intersection, Le activated a trap. Needles impaled their bodies and less than a second, only Choji was covered in needles.


Choji bit his lip and held back his tears. He didn't like pain. So far, they hadn't gotten hurt yet up until now. He was also getting hungry and thirsty, but he also didn't want to kill his friends...

"Can you still move, Choji-san?" Lee asked, finding enough room in the tunnel to turn around to look at his companion. He furrowed his brows. "Should we pull those needles out?"

"Y-yeah." They quickly made short work of the needles and looked down the dark tunnel.

"I'll be more careful." Unfortunately for the pair, Lee unconsciously activated seven more traps, while Choji activated four. Whenever Lee activated a trap, he injured Choji. Whenever Choji activated a trap, he injured Lee.

"Can we stop for awhile?" Choji pleaded, trying to regain his breath. Everything was beginning to hurt, and he wanted nothing more than to eat his mother's comfort cooking.

"Y-yeah! Perhaps we should rest for a bit!" Lee said, agreeing. He had received several lacerations, bruises, and needles along the way, but Choji looked worse off. "Ah, perhaps we should have something to eat first."

"Okay then," Choji agreed. He hoped they didn't kill anyone else while they had a quick snack.

Lee handed over four bottles of water and six bags of chips to Choji before rummaging around the bag for a bottle of water for himself. They uncapped the water bottles and brought the liquid to their lips. As soon as Choji had swallowed a gulp of water, Tenten was poisoned.

"Choji, no!" The ugly distorted purple crawled under her skin and quickly entered her bloodstream. Her saliva turned bloody and Shikamaru could only hold onto her hands and watch her frantic eyes roll back, her face frozen in shock.

"Are you alive, Tenten?" Shikamaru asked desperately, shaking her, but he knew the second her eyes had rolled back, she was dead. "Why?" He seized her bracelet and stared in horror. "Did Choji eat and break your rule?"

I had handed it to Shikamaru. Despite the circumstances, he was still able to stay alive by asking question. He knew perfectly well if he even said "Tenten!" he would have been killed immediately.

Number of survivors left: 8

18 hours left

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