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A/N: Chapter requested by kelster71181 and CrystalLupin

Within the Rocket Base—Sometime after Libby's 'Death'

Jen had ducked down, holding Libby's limp body close to her as Lovrina activated her Snag Machine. The Mews stood in between her and Libby as the machine let out a loud and annoying screech.

The sound caused both the Mews and Jen to cringe and cry out in pain. Jen lifted her hands to cover her ears, but the effects were already taking hold of her mind.

The girl let out a loud shriek as she held her aching head. This pain angered her. Hell, she was getting pissed. How the Hell did she let this pink-haired bitch get the better of her? How did this plan go so wrong?!

Lovrina lowered her Snag Machine and grinned, clearly very pleased with her accomplishment.

Jen's eyes snapped open. Her eyes burned and her head hurt even more. The pain was very similar to the pain she felt while being attached to Colress's machine, and the effects were almost the same. Her powers were heightened to a whole new level, but at a cost. She was in constant agony and fury.

"Hehe, this is so cool. Now I've got both of the Mews under my control." Lovrina snickered giddily.

Why did the pink-haired bitch have to talk? Her voice was so loud and irritating to the ears. Had she always sounded this annoying? Jen screamed at the woman, causing her to jump out of surprise.

"What's the matter with you? Screaming like that is so not cool. Chill out will you?" She didn't know that Jen was part Pokemon. "...Hang on...are your eyes...How the heck were you effected?"

Jen did not want to chill. She wanted to rip the woman's vocal chords out of her throat with her teeth. All she had to do was kinetically drag the woman close enough to attack.


The pink-haired woman looked over her shoulder to see Ty and a handful of grunts approaching her. She giggled again and gestured towards the Mews. "Lookie here, Rockets. Look at what I caught. You all must be so jealous!"

"Not really. You just caught Giovanni's Pokemon." Ty growled.

"Sooo? Wouldn't he be happy? They were wandering around without him." Lovrina asked as she placed her hands on her hips. "Besides, you guys are taking all of the Pokemon that we capture so what's the big deal? They're gonna wind up with him anyway."

Ty didn't respond. He was staring at the Mews and Jen. The Mews' fur had darkened; Mew's turning black, while Mewtwo's became an ashened gray. It didn't help the grunt's nerves as the Mews glared unblinkingly at him with animalist rage. His slowly peeled his gaze away and towards Jen in hopes that she didn't look as intimidating.


Her eyes, like the Mews', were a dark crimson, but it was the feral look that she was giving Ty that sent a shiver down his spine. There was hardly any sort of humanity left in them that he could find. She was eyeing him like prey, seemingly waiting for him to let his guard down or to turn away to strike. If it weren't for the metal band around his brow he probably would have been lobotomized by the girl, if not something worse. Hell, any one of the Mews could have done something to their minds by now if it weren't for the bands.

Ty swallowed at the grim thought, but made sure to keep his expression firm. "..."

"Hellooo! I'm talking to you!" Lovrina huffed. She had been trying to get Ty's attention, but the grunt was too focused on the Mews and Jen to pay her any mind. "Ugh! You all can be so rude sometimes...Wait, you're not scared, are you? You weren't scared with all the other primal Legendries. What gives?"

Catch Me. Save Me. (Seq. to What Am I?)Where stories live. Discover now